7. #14 Jamie Benn (Dallas Stars)

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Another one for Zel_Dah :D hope you like it!:)
i am working on the others but it may take a while, university demands much attention:)) But I will try to do everything before weekend:)

It was your boyfriend, Jamie Benn from Dallas Stars, and yours first Halloween since you started dating. Being his girlfriend for nearly a year now you thought you knew everything about him. But on the eve before Halloween, he surprised you with an extraordinary question. He showed up on your door stand, grinning widely.
"Hey, beautiful," he greeted you with a passionate kiss and invited himself in your apartment.
"Hi, Jamie. Why are you so excited?"
"I was wondering...I've already met your parents, but you haven't met mine yet. Maybe it's time to change that, what do you think?"
He strolled further in your apartment, leaving you surprised on a door stand. After he had disappeared in your living room, you hurried after him.
"Are you serious?"
"Dead serious. Y/N, I love you and I would love to introduce you to my parents. Beside...I am planning a little surprise when we get to Victoria."
As much as you loved him, you thought it was too early to have a ring put on your finger, so you hoped he wasn't planning to pop a question.
"Well, I would love to meet your parents, Jamie," you replied happily, but with a breath hitched somewhere in your throat. Jamie, being a loving boyfriend, noticed that and approached you slowly: "Sweetie, it's not what you think. Because it's Halloween, I thought maybe we should discover your adventurous side."
"Which I don't have, Jamie, and you know it."
"We'll see," he smiled mischievously and pulled you in a tight hug. You stayed in his arms for a while, but then you pulled away: "If we really go to Canada, I need to pack."
"I'll wait here, okay? Book a flight and a room."
"Sounds good to me," you chuckled and hurried upstairs.

You knew being an NHL hockey player brought many benefits to Jamie, but yu surely did not expect booking a private jet was one of those benefits. When you arrived to the airport, it left you breathless. The flight took some time, but it seemed like it had passed way too fast. You and Jamie spent most of the flight talking about future, cuddling and enjoying your time away from reporters in general.
You rested your head on his lap, his hand stroking your hair, when he finally ased you: "Do you believe in ghosts?"
"Nah, not really. Or maybe I should say, I don't believe it until I have evidence."
"Good, because I have something related to supernatural in plan for Halloween."
You suddenly knew what he was implying of.
"Oh, no. No, no and no. We are not gonna haunt ghosts."
"Come on, Y/N, it'll be fun."
"Look, I am pretty sure ghosts do not exist," you said convinced and put your lips on his to shut him down.

You landed on Victoria International Airport from where Jamie took you to his birth-house to introduce you to his parents. His mother opened the door and you instantly liked her. Liked how laid back she was and she instantly accepted you in her house. Later you met his father, who at first thought you were with his son because of his success, but you later proved him how wrong he was. After that, he talked with you all the time, until Jamie interrupted it was a high time to leave.
"So, what's your Halloween surprise?" you asked when you sat in his car.
"Actually, I wanted to take you to a haunted tour, but I think my father had done enough job scaring you."
"He was nicer when he got to know me."
"Yeah, it just took a while. You know what, we are still going on a Haunted tour, okay? I'd like to see you scared," he chuckled and when he stopped on the red light, leant in to peck a tip of your nose.

He kept his promise and you spent an adventurous night strolling around reportedly haunting locations and taking pictures of everything that it had been said to be haunted. When you checked photos on his camera, nothing appeared, but when you put them on your computer, everything that had been reported, appeared on your photos.
"Jamie!" you called him and he instantly came out of bathroom, pulling you in his strong arms,
"What's wrong?"
"I think... it may sound weird, I know, but I think those reports were all true..."
"I know. I've visited those places before I moved to Dallas. I just wanted you to see how I used to live, what I used to be interested in, I wanted you to see, who I was when I lived in Canada. As much as may sound embarrassing, I want you to get to know me."
"How do you know your secret is safe with me?"
"I just know," he whispered, tickling you and making you laugh hysterically, begging for mercy.
"Stop it, Jamie!"
"Promise you won't tell anyone. If you promise, I will stop tickling you."
"I promise, I PROMISE! Now stop it," you begged him breathlessly.
"That's why I love you," he said, immediately stopped torturing you with tickling.
"I love you more," you couldn't resist chuckle.
"No you don't."
"Yes I do!" you managed to squeal before he attacked you with tickling again.

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