35. #25 Jacob de la Rose (Montreal Canadiens)

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For salamannda , hope it's what you imagined it:)

Since your sister tied a knot and moved to Grand Lake Stream in Maine with her husband and two kids, you haven't seen Y/S/N. You stayed in Montreal with your boyfriend, Jacob de la Rose who you have met once you went to Montreal's home game. And ever since, you two have been together.
Sure, you didn't cut all the contacts with sister and you talk over the phone every day, but you've never seen her two kids, one-year-old Andrew and his five-month-old baby sister, Rebecca.
"Y/N, when are you and Jacob coming over?" your sister asks one day during your daily phone chat. You sigh and unintentionally rub your temple: "I don't know. Jacob is currently on a five-game road trip and we barely have a time to talk for more than five minutes," you admit with a knot in your throat.
"Anyway, how are Drew and Becky?" you ask in a merrier voice, trying to conceal a flash of sadness.
"Oh, sweetie. How long has he been away? They are fine...Drew is dying to meet his auntie and her fiancé."
"You saw that?" you ask shocked and in disbelief. It's true, Jacob did propose you few days before he left for the road games, but you both kept it in secret. At least tried to. On one of the pictures with you and Jacob, your engagement ring is clearly visible and of course the greatest Canadian newspaper published that photo and a short article.
"Sweetie, I am sure everyone knows. After all, Jacob is a professional hockey player and you are his girlfriend. Privacy is not one of the things that comes with fame, my dear sister."
"I know, I know. I just expected it to remain a secret for a bit longer."
"Bet our parents nearly got a stroke."
"Bet they did. So, when is Jacob coming back."
"Two days," you shoot with no hesitation. You hear your sister chuckle on the other side of the line before she replies: "I see you can't wait for him to come back."
"I really can't. I miss him so much, Y/S/N."
"I know, Y/N. I'd be the same. Listen, I was thinking... Does Jacob have any games during the weekend?"
"Nope, he is free this weekend. Why?"
"Do you want to come to GL Stream? Please, I haven't seen you in a long time."
"I don't know...I'll have to ask Jacob. But I'll let you know."
"We have a deal then. I hope you'll find time to visit us. Oh, maybe this would help... we've just moved on a property by the lake and there is no one around us. And I know how much you two would like to relax after exhausting weeks."
In your mind you picture romantic scene in which you and Jacob sit by the lake, his arm around your shoulders and talking about nothing.
"I'll try to convince him, even though he'll be exhausted."
"Maybe some peace is all you both need to regain energy. I really hope you'll be able to come. I miss my baby sister."
"I miss you more. Give smooches to Drew and Becky for me, okay?"
"I will. And don't worry, Jacob will be home soon. Beside, you can always call me if it gets too hard."
"I know. Thanks, Y/S/N."
"That's why older sisters are for. Well, family calls. Talk to you soon," she says a bit louder over the sound of crying.
"Talk to you soon!" you shout and cancel the call. You look around the empty apartment and realize that two more days of cold bed and loneliness await you.

Two days later you are sitting behind the desk, working on your school paper, when your phone lights up. It's a text message from Jacob, informing you he'd be home in no time. Thirty minutes, in which hour hands seemed like they were frozen, you hear his voice with Swedish accent calling your name from the entrance. You jump up and sprint downstairs.
"Jacob!" you squeal and jump in his lap. Him being unprepared, he stumbles backwards and hits the wall with his back. He grins, a bit tiredly, yet his smile still lights up his face: "Hello, beautiful. I missed you so much."
"I missed you more, handsome," you kiss him. He kisses you back and mumbles in your lips: "I don't believe that. You can't miss me more than I missed you."
"Yes, I can and I did," you fake pout, making him chuckle.
"Oh, no, you didn't," he pinches your backside, making you squeal. He carries you to the couch where he gently puts you down.
"I brought you some little souvenirs. Just a little something."
"You shouldn't have," you look at him and move closer. Your knees touch when he turns to you, handing you small gifts from all the five cities he's been.
"Thank you so much. How were your games?"
You watched every game, but it is usual for you to ask him. That's how he analyzes every move he made and for you, it's better to hear everything first-handed. Furthermore, he is a great narrator and just listening to his voice makes you fall in love with him over and over again.
"Well, we won four and lost one. So...it was pretty great if you ask me."
"I saw that goal you scored. It was beautiful."
"It was for you, so it had to be. And it was my first goal this season."
"It was a wonderful goal, Jacob. And not just because it was for me."
He smiles and pecks tip of your nose: "What were you doing when I was away?"
"Nothing. Studying and talking to Y/S/N. Missing you."
"How is Y/S/N? And I was thinking...what if we go somewhere for this weekend? Just the two of us?"
"About that... what do you think about visiting my sister and her family?"
"That's a great idea. Can't wait to finally meet her."
"So it's okay for you to go?"
"Sure thing! I can't wait to finally meet your wonder-sister and her family. She has a son and a daughter, right?"
"Yeah, Andrew and Rebecca."
"Really can't wait to meet them! I love you, Y/N."
"Love you too."

The next day early in the morning you head towards your sister's home. Since Jacob is still a bit tired from being on the road and playing games every two days, you want to drive, but he insists on driving.
"Jacob, aren't you too tired?"
"Maybe I am, but I am excited to go on a road trip with my beautiful girlfriend."
You kiss his cheek: "Just don't get us killed with your excitement and exhaustion, okay?"
"I won't, baby. I'd rather die than do you any harm."
"Well, I wouldn't allow that."
He takes your hand in his and pulls it to his lips, kissing it: "I love you, Y/F/N. More than I've ever though I could love anyone."
"And I've never loved anyone as much as I love you, Jacob Waldermar de la Rose."
Through out the ride to Grand Lakes Stream, you two are listening to the radio, singing along with the song you know, talking about your childhood and also your future. Jacob is telling you his most embarrassing moments from both growing up and playing hockey, making your tongue untie as you share your most embarrassing moments with him. After about two hours you stop for thirty minutes on a gas station, just to buy something to drink and to stretch your legs.

Nine after since you left Montreal, you are driving on the roads of Maine. After seven hours and thirty minutes drive with three breaks, lasting thirty minutes each, you are both pretty tired.
"How you doin'?" you ask Jacob worriedly.
"A bit tired but...It looks like it's worth all the long drive."
"I hope it is," you smile and guide him to the address your sister gave to you. Soon you are driving in a complete silence of the forest and few minutes later you approach your sister's house.
"Wow," Jacob whispers, summing up your thoughts as well. Your sister's house is a beautiful, two-storey wooden house with greenery all around.
As soon as Jacob parks the car, your sister comes out running and holding little Rebecca in her hands: "Y/N! I am so happy to see you! And Jacob! I finally get to meet my sister's fiancé! Hi, I am Y/S/N and this is baby Rebecca."
"Nice to meet you, Y/S/N. And Rebecca of course, he coos and starts making funny grimaces, causing your little niece to burst into loud baby giggles.
"She is adorable," he compliments your niece while shaking your sister's hand. Y/S/N smiles and continues: "Come on in. You are staying for a weekend, right?"
"If that's okay with you..."
"Sure it is! I am sorry about the mess, Becky has just woken up and I had no time to clean this place up."
"It's beautiful. Uh, Y/S/N is it too much if I ask whether may I hold baby Becky?"
Your sister and you both look at him surprised. He notices that and blushes dark red: "Never mind, I didn't say anything."
"No, no, Jacob. I wouldn't mind giving you Becky to hold. It surprised me, that's all."
"He surprised me as well," you say to your sister and take little Rebecca out of her arms. Then you approach Jacob and hand him a soft warm miniscule body, who is looking at you.
"Don't drop her. Here, let me show you how to hold her."
"Have you ever hold a baby, Y/N?" Jacob asks you. Instead of you, your sister answers:"She used to be a baby sitter for four years during high school."
You sit down next to your fiancé and set his arms while still holdingg Rebecca with one hand.
"Wow, you are a natural," Jacob compliments you, making you blush slightly.
"Don't squeeze her too much and don't drop her," you tell him one last time before handing him your little niece.
As soon as Rebecca gets to Jacob's arms, she happily screeches and looks up at your fiancé with adoring eyes. Then she cuddles into his chest, wetting his shirt slighlty. You've never seen Jacob turn into such a softie, gently tickling baby in his arms while whispering how beautiful she is. Once he looks up and your eyes meet. In that moment you notice he has slightly teary eyes and he quietly whispers: "I've never seen anything more beautiful in my entire life. Such a beauty."
With a calming voice he coos to Rebecca: "You are going to break hearts, beautiful princess. Yes, you are a very beautiful princess."
Your sister pokes you and whisper, not wanting to ruin a moment: "He is a keeper. Look, how soft he is around kids. He's gonna be a great father one day."
You quietly nod your head. Yes, he will be a great father one day.

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