92. #97 Connor McDavid (Edmonton Oilers)

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For KonnorLouie, hope you'll like it:)

You never even dreamt of having a summer fling. The only relationship you wanted was a long-lasting, stable relationship, filled with friendship, love, respect and mutual support. It was a surprise you were still single and hadn't had a boyfriend yet until you told people why you had never been kissed.

It is your first time spending summer holidays with your friends and since it was your first year as college student, you spent vacations with them. Not having enough money to afford expensive and luxurious time off and for a long time, you decided to spend some time in Disneyworld Florida. But how to get there? The answer was simple. Roadtrip. Since you were the only one with the driving license, it was your responsibility to get all of you back alive and well.

You start your trip on a warm Friday afternoon, as soon as the classes end, by picking up your long term friend, who attend the same university as you do. As always, she is late.

"I am sorry, I am sorry, I had to find one special T-shirt and it turned out my sister took it!"

"You used that excuse few months ago, running out of them?" you giggle and give her a warm hug. She pouts and hugs you back: "Why no one believes me?"
"Because you always use excuses. Which are often really creative."
"Don't hate me for my great imagination."

Two days later all four of you throw yourselves on the beds with your limbs stretched out. But you are the type of person who needs a constant action and it takes about thirty minutes for you to become antsy.

"Come on, we can't spend all the time we have here in our room, let's get out!"
"Jeesh, relax, Y/N, aren't you tired from all the driving?"

You shake your head: "Come oooon!"

Your three friends groan in unison, giving you a clear sign they are not going to move. You won't let them ruin your vacations, so you shrug your shoulder and change into more comfortable clothes. Before exiting the room, you grab your wallet and your phone: "For the last time, wanna join me?"

All three of them shake their heads and you head out of the room by yourself. While enjoying the park attractions and sipping on your ice coffee, you enjoy sunny weather and your time on your won. After a good portion of adrenaline, you sit down on a bench and scroll through the pictures you took over those three days of your trip. You are minding your own business when a voice above you interrupts: "May I sit down here?"
"Mhm," you mumble without looking up, completely lost in your phone. The owner of the voice sits down and takes a deep breath, which makes you believe he wants to talk. With an inaudible sigh and quick roll of your eyes, you pull down your sunglasses and look at the stranger. To your surprise, a person next to you is actually a good-looking guy with a bright smile and sport team's cap.

"I hope I am not interrupting you," he smiles shyly. You look at him again and smile: "Not really, I was just chilling a bit. Enjoying the sun."

"Good, you seemed really busy with something. I am Connor McDavid, by the way. And you are?"

If some weird guy tried to talk to you, you would come up with a fake name, but this Connor guy seems really nice and genuine, so your smile grows a bit wider: "And I am Y/N Y/L/N. So, what are you doing here?"
"I saw you sitting alone in the middle of a crowded attraction park, so I thought I should see if you are okay."

"Well, your concern is in vain, I was just resting and scrolling through some pictures... but I meant are you here for the holidays?"
"Yeah...I am here for about a week, what about you?"
"Only few more days. I am here with some friends from the university. And you?"

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