53. #17 Jack O'Callahan (US Olympic Team 1980)

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For taylorrobertson1234, really hope you'll like it! :)


~Jack's POV~

I arrive to Colorado Springs with the rest of the boys from Boston U. being one of the youngest, I know many of them only briefly. At least Dave Silk, my teammate is here. And then I notice Mike Eruzione, one of the oldest players who I had an opportunity play one year.

"Hey, Rizzo!" I call my former teammate and approach him.

"OC and Silky! How are you guys? Still the first one to drop the gloves, OC?"

"Hell yeah! Good to see you again, man."

"Yeah, same. Both of you."
In that moment I notice a girl walk in an ice hall, hockey bag hanging from her shoulder and a stick in her hands. Eventhough her face is covered with a hood and she is wearing on oversized sweatshirt with UM on chest, apparently trying to be as invisible as possible, all of the guys notice her. she walks past me and I hear her mumble quietly at the table for player registrations: "Y/N Y/L/N, 19, University of Minnesota."

Well, another Minnesotan, apparently.

"What the hell is a girl doing here?" I murmur to Silky and Rizzo, who are both looking at the girl. Silky shrugs his shoulders and continues looking at her, while Rizz suggests: "Maybe she is lost..."
"Na-ah. Highly doubt it," Silky shakes his head.

"No way. She is here for the tryouts."

When she walks past us, I stop her by putting my hand on her shoulder: "Are you lost, princess?"
"You are the one who should get lost," she looks up at me with her attractive E/C eyes and hisses.

Rizzo and Silky chuckle in unison behind my back, while I just stare at her in disbelief, my mouth wide open.

"I thought so," she continues and walks past me, shaking my hand off her shoulder. I watch her as he joins a group of guys the University of Minnesota, where she puts down her bag and hugs few of the guys.

"What has just happened?" I look at my friends, who are still trying to stop chuckling under their breaths: "You tell us."

Honestly, I don't know what has just happened, but I know nothing like that has ever happened to me and I am determined I will make her pay for that.

~1st person POV~

After bumping into one of the Boston's players, I join the group of guys from my university.

"Y/N/N! McClanahan calls me and I give him a tight hug. We've been close friends back in the days when he was still at the university, but I haven't seen him since he graduated.

"Macky. Trying to play a bit more hockey?"

"For Brooks always. What are you doing here?"

"I got the call to join the tryouts."
"Hate to tell you that, but...you are a girl. And they are selecting for men's team."
"What took you so long to figure that one out, McClanahan?" I step on my tiptoes, slapping back of his head lightly before calling my other friend, Mike Ramsey: "Rammer!"

"Y/N!" Rammer pulls me into a hug and mumble in my hair: "So good to see you. You've grown. Hell, I can even tell you are not a dude!"

Before I can punch his arm playfully, one of the coaches comes in and calls my name.

"Y/N Y/L/N!"

"Right here!"

He looks around and sees me waving. He smiles and orders me: "Follow me, please."

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