73. #21 Derek Stepan (NY Rangers)

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For My_hockey_life101, hope you'll like it. Next will be another Jake Virtanen imagine:)


~Derek's POV~

My palms are sweating like crazy, but not because of tonight's game, but because of what I am planning to do after, no matter if we win or not. Tonight it's actually Stephanie and mine's anniversary and I am planning to propose her.

Before the puck drops, I look up the stands and see her, smiling down at me. When she catches me look at her, she waves her hand and sends me kisses. Smiling, I wave back at her and take a deep breath. Let's hope she will accept my proposal...

Even though my mind is occupied with the upcoming proposal, my game is on. Not only we win, even more, I score a hat trick, get into one pretty brawl and record two assists. Pretty productive evening.

After saluting the fans, I avoid the reporters and quickly slip into our locker room, where I dig through my hockey bag to get the velvety ring box out. For the last time before I slide it up her finger, I look at it and smile: "Hope she'll like you, little buddy. And you better bring me luck!"

~Your POV~

It surprised you when Der raced off the ice after saluting to fans and handshakes. He was usually the last off the ice, not the first one. And you have a feeling he will be named the first star of the game, so seeing him disappear is even odder.

"Is miss Stephanie Kent here?"

"Steph, the security is looking for you," Emily Glass, Tanner Glass' wife, calls you and you turn around: "Yeah, right here. What is wrong?"
"Can you please follow me?"

"Is everything okay with Derek? Is he hurt?"
"Mister Stepan is fine, just follow me, please."

You hear the announcer name three stars of the game and as expected, Derek is tonight's first star. When he sees you, his face lights up, but everything is soon replaced with a shadow of nervousness, covering his face. He skates off the ice and comes closer to you: "Did you enjoy the game?"
"Of course I did! Congratulations on a hat trick."

"It was for you," he smiles and starts nervously fiddling his fingers.

"Der, what's wrong?"

"Uh...come on the ice with me, please."

Well, the rest is a history. He gets down on one knee on the center ice and asks you whether you want to marry him.

Of course you say yes.


~Your POV~

You spin in front of a huge mirror in Angelo Lambrou wedding boutique and listen to the sound of silky and expensive fabric swirling through the air, gently touching your ankles.

"Do you like it, ma'am?" friendly seller asks you and you smile at her: "Feels like butterflies' wings fluttering around my ankles. It's a beautiful dress..."

You look at your friend and spin in front of her: "What do you think?"

She carefully scans the entire dress before lightly scrunching her eyebrows: "It's beautiful, but I'd look at few more dresses."

"You don't like it," you say more like a statement that a question. She sighs a bit: "I do like it, but I think you should look at other dresses. This is only your...third one. Come on, a wedding is a special occasion, you can't just decide in thirty minutes."

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