59. #14 Jamie Benn (Dallas Stars) Part 2

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Before Jamie and you start dating, few more months have to pass. Luckily, since your trip to the hospital, Jamie understands why you are in no rush when it comes to relationships and why your daughter is your first priority.

But as the times flies by, you realize your fear of getting into another relationship is growing smaller and smaller and you find yourself thinking about Jamie more and more.

So one night, you invite him over to spend some time with you and Chrissy for her birthday.

"Is Jamie really coming over?" she asks while jumping up and down the couch in her new pink fairy-like dress.

"He told me he'd come," you laugh and catch her midair. She squeals and claps her hands excitedly: "Yay! I want to show him what a nice new dress I have."

"You have a really gorgeous dress, my baby," you kiss her cheeks and bury your nose in her soft hair, inhaling the fruity scent of it. Her small arms wrap around your neck and you stay like that until someone knocks on your door.

"That must be Jamie," you smile and put your daughter down. She runs to the door and tries to unlock it. Still chuckling, you help her and open the door, revealing Jamie, who holds a giant bouquet: "Good evening. Is miss Chrissy here?"

"JAMIE!" little girl squeals and jumps in his arms. You quickly take flowers in your hands before Jamie could drop them from surprise.

"Hello there, princess. A little bird told me it's your birthday today... is this true?" his gaze quickly jumps to you and he gives you a slight wink.

"I am six today," she smiles proudly and shows six fingers. Jamie laughs at her enthusiasm: "Well, happy birthday then."

He gently sets her down and hands her a custom made Stars' jersey with number 6 on the back and "STAR" written above it. She looks at the jersey and then at Jamie with adoring eyes. In a next moment, her tiny arms are wrapped tightly around his knees.

"You didn't have to bring anything, Jamie," you say with your arms folded on your chest, but you are smiling lightly.

"I know. But I still did. And for you...I brought you...this," he hands you a box of chocolates.

"Jamie!" you cover your mouth with your palms and mumble: "You are too kind."

"Maybe... are you planning to let me or not?"

"Oh, sorry. Come on in. Chrissy, baby, let Jamie go."

Your daughter lets him go, but wraps her hands around his knees again as soon as he takes off his shoes. He laughs and ruffles her hair before looking at you: "You look much better than the last time I saw you, Y/N."
"Thanks. I feel much better actually. And the bruises are disappearing...So, what would you like to drink?"

"What do you have?"
"I can get you a beer or a juice if you want something non-alcoholic."
He looks down at a little burden, hanging on his knees, before looking up at you. "A juice would be great,' he flashes you a wide smile while trying to move with your daughter still holding his knees: " Come on, kiddo, let's get to the living room, shall we?"

Little girl nods, but doesn't let him go. Making tiny steps and trying not to trip over something, he goes to the living room and collides on soft couch. You hand him a glass of juice and he takes a large sip of it. You sit down next to him: "So, how've you been?"

He takes another sip before answering: "Quite okay. But I want to know how are you doing? And how's that little girl, who finally let go off me?"

Chrissy let him go as soon as he plopped down on the couch and she was now looking at both of you from the floor.

"We've been great. Both of us. Thanks again for saving me the other night...and taking care of Chrissy."

"No problem. Just one thing... who was that moron?"

"That was my ex... and Chrissy's father," you mumble slightly embarrassed and look down at your lap. When you look back up at him, he seems surprised: "I don't get it. I really don't?"

"Why do always all the pretty girls and smart fall for abusive assholes?"

"He was my high school sweetheart and when Chrissy was born, things started going downhill. But he dumped me before I could left him."
Your voice breaks and you feel tears gathering in your eyes. You feel them slip down your face, leaving wet trail behind on your cheeks.

"Mommy?" Chrissy asks worriedly and climbs in your lap. You pull her closer and bury your head in her hair: "Mommy's okay, sweetie. Nothing to worry, mommy's fine."

"I-I am sorry, Y/N, I didn't mean to make you cry."
"It's okay, Jamie. It's just...I never talked about it."

You wipe your tears away and quickly smile at Jamie. He smiles back and covers your palm with his: "It's okay. You had to get it off your chest."

Because of his understanding, your smile grows wider: "Thank you, Jamie."

With no response, he puts his arms around your shoulders and pulls you into an embrace. Leaning your head on his shoulder, you think of what a good father he'd be to Chrissy and how safe you feel with him.

"Can I sit between you?" Chrissy asks and makes puppy eyes. Both, Jamie and you, chuckle and Jamie unwraps his arms from around your shoulders: "Come here, birthday princess."

She jumps in his arms and squeals when he lifts her above his head. He looks up at her and grimaces, making her laugh. Then he puts her in his lap and looks at you: "I've never seen a more beautiful girl."
You are not sure whether his remark was meant for you or Chrissy or both of you, but you still feel yourself blushing.

"Chrissy, can you go to your room for a second, please?" you ask your daughter, who nods her head and smiles at Jamie before running to her room. Jamie and you are now alone and the silence turns awkward.

"So, did you have any plans for Chrissy's birthday?"

"Not really. Why?"

"Let me take both you out for a dinner..."
Your eyes meet again: "Jamie, I can't accept this. We are not even to-"

Without warning, he kisses you and makes you shut up. When he pulls away, his hand remain cupping your face gently: " I know you need time and I know Chrissy is your everything, but I really like you and I will wait for you. I like you and little Chrissy a lot."

"You don't have to wait for me, Jamie Benn. I think I am ready to give love another try."

He looks at you: "I don't want you to feel rushed into anything."
"Chrissy adores you. And that is all that it matters to me."
"So what do you think? Can I take you and Chrissy out?"
"Why don't you ask her?"

Little and quiet steps approach the living room and Chrissy soon comes into a living room with beaming eyes: "Let's go out, mommy!"
"Were you listening this entire time?"

She blushes dark red: "Maybe... can we still go out?"

You laugh and hug your excited daughter: "Get dressed, baby doll."
Squeaking, she hurries back in her room and leaves Jamie and you alone again. Silence between the two of you is not awkward this time, it feels like no words are needed. You share a smile before you remember you are still in your "lazy day" clothes, your old sweatpants.

"Uh, Jamie. I should get changed as well. I-I'll be right back."

You hear him chuckle behind your back as you sprint to your room and roam through the closet. Finally, you decide to put on a green knee-length dress and black high heels. You apply a bit of makeup and put on jewelry. Twenty minutes later all three of you sit in Jamie's car. Throughout the entire ride Jamie holds your hand while Chrissy babbles about pretty much everything on the backseat.

By the end of the evening you are sure you are ready to give love another try, but only with Jamie. He was being a complete gentleman since the second you sat in his car to the end of the dinner. And it became even more obvious Chrissy adores him.

After dinner he took you home and kissed you goodbye. Before driving away, he hugged Chrissy and kissed top of her head, wishing her goodnight.

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