63. #19 Jonathan Toews (Chicago Blackhawks)

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For heyitsmadz11, hope you'll like it. I really enjoyed writing it(: 

One thing that really defines you and separates you from the rest of the girls your age is your passion for video games. That's one of the consequences of growing up in a company of three older brothers. But sadly, your wallet doesn't agree with your passion and the only way you can play videogames is over your computer or Nintendo Wii. From time to time your oldest brother lends you his Xbox, but that doesn't feel the same as playing on your own device.

Sometimes, even your boyfriend Jonathan, joined you when you had an Xbox, but normally, he just watched you play, He loved when you cuddled up to him and played the game, while he put his arm securely around you. And you adored the feeling of his strong arm around you, which made you feel safe during playing horror games.

One night, he comes back from late-evening practice later than usually, his hockey bag hanging from his left shoulder and his stick in his right hand. in the other hand he carries a giant plastic bag and few smaller shopping bags.

"Y/N, I am home!"

You come around the corner while drying your long H/C hair with a towel: "Where have you been? I've been worried."

He drops his bag and his stick down before he approaches you and pulls you into a heated kiss: "I am so sorry. But I had something to do... actually, can you do me a favor and open that bag, please?"

"You are weird, you know that?"

"I know. But you love me," he pecks your cheek and waits excitedly for your reaction. You pull out a box and stare at him, mouth wide open: "Jonny..."
"Do you like it?"

"Are you serious? I love it! But...that's PlayStation 4. It must've cost you a fortune."

"Doesn't matter. Since you love playing videogames so much and I can't wait to beat you at the newest NHL game, I wanted us to have our own PlayStation. And I can't be the only guy on the team with no PlayStation."

"I still can't believe it!"
"Now we will spend our free evenings together, playing videogames. Videogames and chill," he winks and makes you laugh: "Nu-uh, no videogames and chill. Videogames alone. And chill later."

"That's my girl," he smiles cheekily. You lightly slap his arm and squeal when he playfully threatens: "Watch yourself, Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N. Your Captain Serious has serious intentions to tickle you."

"Don't touch me, Tazer! Jonathan Bryan Toews, don't you dare to tickle me!" you squeal again and sprint to the living room. He chases after you and swings plastic bags in his hands around: " I thought you wanted to try these. Oh, well, I can call guys if someone needs a free game."

He chuckles and hands you the games after you sit down on a couch. He wraps his arm around you and nuzzles his nose to the crook of your neck.

"Alien Isolation and Until Dawn! How did you know?"
"Well, I admit, I had to ask guys for suggestions. They all said both of them are really praised and majority of them played Alien Isolation."

"I've always wanted to play both of them! Thank you!"

"Glad you like them. So...you want me to set PS up?"
"Yes, please! Uh, I'll go just dry my hair, okay?"

"PlayStation will be waiting for you, beautiful!"

Twenty minutes later your hair is dry and PlayStation set. You are ready to cuddle up to your boyfriend while playing one of the new games. You run to the living room, wearing Jonathan's university jersey and his boxers. Jonathan is already waiting for you, stretched on a couch and holding a bottle of cold beer. He smiles at you: "University of North Manitoba? You look gorgeous in my clothes."

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