5. #87 Sidney Crosby (Pittsburgh Penguins)

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You were on the stands, looking at the time on a scoreboard nervously. With only half-minute regular game remaining and Pens losing by only one goal, the tension in arena was almost tangible. You were on the stands, biting your nails nervously and watching your boyfriend, Sidney, trying to get away from opponent team's defense. Once again, your glimpse jumped on the scoreboard. Twenty seconds.
"Come on, come on, come on, Sid."
A second later you were on your feet, along with the other Pens' fans as Sidney managed to over-play the whole defense line and was alone in front of the goal. Your nerves were a mess, your heart was pounding and for a second the whole arena was quiet. And then...
A goal siren buzzed and cut the silence, the arena exploding in loud cheering and chanting "Crosby, Crosby, Crosby!"
Sidney skated towards his team's bench, but suddenly, he stopped. His eyes searched the stands and when he saw your eyes, glimmering with pride, he raised his gloved hand and waved at you. You chuckled and returned him a wave. A girl next to you saw that and turned around to see who was he waving at.
"Why is Sidney Crosby waving at you?" her ice-cold voice interrupted you.
"Uh, why does that bother you?" you asked her. Trying to sound friendly, but deep inside the rage was filling your veins.
"Well, beside, he is totally gorgeous and you are...like that, nothing."
"Like what?" you thought to yourself and looked down. You were wearing plain black jeans and Pens' jersey and you saw nothing wrong with it. Then you looked at the girl next to you, who was wearing mini skirt and godawful pink tiny Pens' jersey (god knows where she got it), knowing instantly who she was. Not really who, you didn't know her name and honestly, you did not even care, but you knew what she was- a puck bunny, a kind of person you absolutely hated to see on a hockey match.
As a long-term hockey fan and player's girlfriend, you knew many things, so you decided to test this girl's abilities to talk about hockey: "He indeed is. That's why it's absolutely hard to see him getting squeezed against the boards. How is it called, I forgot?" you asked with an innocent smile, which grew wider when the annoying puck bunny nervously started biting her lip and mumbling something.
"Uh... it's funny, I forgot it as well. What are boards, actually?"
You nearly started laughing, but you covered it with coughing. The dumbest case of puck bunny ever.
"First of all, it's called boarding. And second of all...are you serious?"
"I can't know everything. I bet it's something unimportant."
"Yeah," you said with sarcasm in your voice and turned back to the ice where the over time was about to start. When you saw Sidney on the ice, you realized this was going to be a short game. Sidney was filled with adrenaline after his last goal and you knew he was going for all or nothing. As soon as the ref dropped a puck, Malkin passed to Sidney, who wasted no time and skated towards opponent's goal. Once again, you felt your nerves wrecking, but this time, Sid was not in the mood to play around. Apparently knowing goalie's weakness, he surprised goalie with wrist-shot on goalie's glove-side. This time, the siren meant only one. No more nerves-wrecking game. After the most intense game you've ever witnessed, Pens won and clinched a spot in playoffs.

Later, you were waiting outside for Sidney to show up. You did not feel uncomfortable being alone outside, because many people there knew you from before you even started dating Sidney. You chatted with player's girlfriends and wives when suddenly someone pulled you back. You turned around, expecting to be Sid, but you were surprised, not in a pleasant way. It was that puck bunny who stood next to you on a stands and this time she had someone with her.
"I've heard you tormented my baby sis."
Scared, but determined to conceal it, you put on your brave face and asked with a half-smile: "From who?"
"She told me."
His voice was becoming deeper and he was approaching you with his fists clenched.
"I am sorry sir, but you have no right to threat her," said Anne, Craig Adams' wife and stood between him and you. You admired her bravery, but on the other hand you were scared for her. The man was obviously slightly drunk and pissed off. You leant back and whispered to one of the girls: "Get security, please."
"I'm on it," she answered in a quiet whisper and sneaked away from the group. However, you noticed the man was getting even more irritated and you decided it was not up to Craig's wife to fight your battles, so you said loudly: "Sir, can you please leave her alone? Anne, it's okay, I can do it."
Unhappy, she moved away, squeezing your shoulder in sign of support. Your glimpse jumped to the nearest entrance, where your friend was talking to security, but it seemed they didn't believe her. Then you looked back at the man standing in front of you, whose eyes were mad from anger and in a next moment, he was squeezing your arms and lifted you. Only then, you noticed security react, but it was too late. You prepared for the worst, when you heard someone yell: "HEY, LET THE GIRL DOWN!"
A sigh of relief escaped your lips when Sidney approached you and the man put you down.
"You are Sidney Crosby."
"Yes and it would be great if you left my girl alone."
"Excuse me," mumbled the man and walked away to that puck bunny, who seemed like she had seen an alien. You couldn't help yourself, so you waved at her with scornful smile resting on your lips. Even though she was far from you, you nearly heard loud "huh" when she walked away with her head held high.
"Are you okay?" Sid asked you, holding you on his arm-length, carefully observing your face.
"Yep, just a bit shocked," you admitted, only now realizing how fast your heart was beating.
"Sid, your girl lets no one mess around with her."
"Thanks' girls," Sidney chuckled and pulled you into embrace.
"I am glad you are okay," he whispered quietly and kissed a top of your head. Feeling safe in his arms, you stayed like that until he gently pushed you away and said: "Time to go home."
"No, Sid. Time to go out. We need to celebrate your over-time goal," you corrected him and stepped on your tiptoes to kiss him. He deepened the kiss and when you finally moved away, you breathlessly chuckled: "Okay, okay, you are right. We should go home," earning child-like chuckle from Sid. With his hand on your hips he led you away to his car, while saying good-byes to his team mate's wives and girlfriends.

For Zel_Dah , hope you like it :D if you don't, let me know and I'll do another one :) (to me it seems a bit crappy, but it's up to you):)

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