He Comes Home From Tour (Good)

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Todays the day. Kellin finally comes home. He's been on tour for 3 months and you've had to survive on phone calls and face time, its not enough. You need him back here and thats exactly where he will be in about half an hours time. You've missed him so much. You havent told him the amount of times you cried because you missed him, you dont want him to feel guilty. You just...miss him. Your phone beeps in your pocket.

Kellin: Almost home baby, cant wait to hold you in my arms again 😍👌🏻😘❤️ Xxxx

Me: Thank god, I've missed you so much Kels, I cant wait to be in your arms again 😍👌🏻😘❤️ Xxxx

Kellin: I've missed you so much too baby, the driver cant go any faster and it sucks! 😭😘❤️ Xxxx

Me: Awwh Kels dont worry, just get here as soon as you can! I need my man back! 😍👌🏻😘❤️ Xxxx

He doesnt reply after that, there's nothing more to be said. You shove your phone back in your pocket and cry. You're not sure if you're crying because you're missing Kellin or you're crying because you're so happy Kellin will be here soon, maybe both, all you know is you're crying. There's a knock at the door and you jump up to answer it. You run over to the door and practically pull it out of the wall to see who's there. Kellin stands there with the biggest smile on his face. You smile back at him as your chin begins to wobble. You throw yourself at him and he wraps his arms around you, pushing you both back inside the house.
"Awwwh baby dont cry, its alright, Im here. Shhhh." He says into your hair.
"I've missed you so much Kels!" You cry into his shirt.
He drops his bags and pulls you closer "I've missed you too baby."
You sniffle "I cant believe you're finally back! I love you Kellin!" You look up at him to see his jaw hanging open "What Kellin? What is it!?!"
He blinks a few times "Its been so long since I've heard you say that."
You giggle and kiss his lips lightly "Well, I love you, I love you, I love you!"
Kellin smiles widely and pushes you up against the door, smashing his lips to yours "I love you too, I love you too, I love you too, I love you too!" He says between kisses.
You jump up and wrap your legs around his waist, he holds your legs and continues to kiss you as he carries you upstairs. He lies you down on the bed before crawling on top of you. "I've missed you so much baby!" He says against your lips.
You undo his shirt and throw it on the floor before pulling yours off. Kellin smiles and bites his lips at the view. You giggle and wrap your arms around his neck, pulling his lips back to yours. He begins kissing down your neck and along your collarbone, until he gets to your stomach. He stays there are kisses every part of your stomach.
"So beautiful..." He whispers against your skin. "Perfect..."
You pull his head back up to yours and flip over so you're on top. You kiss his lips passionately before traveling along his jaw and down his neck, along his collarbone. He moans softly and the sound is music to your ears. You eventually reach his toned stomach.
"Have you been working out Kels!?!" You exclaim. Kellin winks at you and you smile widely "You deserve extra kisses then!" He smiles widely and nods frantically. You giggle and continue kissing his toned stomach. You kiss along the hem of his pants and he gasps. You giggle and kiss back up his stomach, along his collarbone, back up his neck, along his jaw and back to his lips. His arms wrap around your waist and crush your body into his.
"I've missed you so much baby..." He says against your lips.
You kiss him hard "I've missed you more babe..."
He shakes his head "Not humanly possible..."
You smirk "Im not human, Im a unicorn..."
He chuckles "Dangit...you got me there..."
You giggle "I love you Kellin."
He smiles against your lips "I love you too (Y/N)."

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