Prom Night

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The shitty pop music continues to play, you stop dancing and sigh. This is probably the worst prom ever. Prom is supposed to be magical, isn't it? Well, this one is complete shit. You make your way over to the food table in a panicked run and sigh with relief, clutching the table for support. You turn to your left and see this guy you've always thought was really cute leaning against the wall. His name's Kellin and he generally keeps to himself. You've never spoken to him before, you're generally too shy. He looks really lonely tonight though, just like you. You shuffle along the table towards him, eyeing the sausage rolls. You grab one and turn to him.
"Hey, your name's Kellin, right?" You ask, smiling slightly.
His eyes widen "Y-Yeah, that's me. You're (Y/N), right?"
You sigh and nod "Yeah."
He raises an eyebrow "Why aren't you with your date?"
You laugh and turn back to the table "Stood me up, didn't he, took some slut back to his hotel room instead." You laugh and shake your head.
Kellin smiles sympathetically "I'm so sorry, what about your friends? You're really popular, you could hang with anyone, people better than me anyway."
"You mean those fake bitches that are constantly banging guys and taking drugs? They aren't my friends, its just easier to be on their good side. You're actually the first genuine person I've spoken to tonight." You admit.
Kellin laughs "Well I'm honoured!"
You turn back to him "Why aren't you with your date then?"
He laughs "Yeah, like ANY girl would come to prom with me!"
You raise an eyebrow "Why wouldn't they? You're very good looking, smart, funny, I know all that and this is the first time I've ever spoken to you! I kinda wish I'd spoken to you earlier actually, you're pretty cool."
Kellin smiles "Thanks! I always thought you were really cool, I never dreamt you'd talk to me. You're so popular."
"Oh god no! I'm not popular! The people I hang out with are, I'm just the lonely, quiet girl in the back of the room." You reply.
Kellin smiles sweetly "Well, for the record, I'd much rather hang out with the lonely and quiet girl than any of those fake bitches."
You blush "Thanks dude! This music is shit and its driving me insane, be right back!" You run up to the DJ and request a song by your favourite band: Copeland. You run back over to Kellin and as the first few chords of the song start playing, his eyes widen.
"Did you request for a Copeland song!?!" He asks in outrage.
You nod "Of COURSE! Unlike basically everyone else here, I have goddamn taste in music! Please don't tell me you're into all that pop bullshit too!"
Kellin laughs and shakes his head "Oh god no! Copeland is my favourite band of all time, I can't believe you like them!"
You roll your eyes "Let me guess, you thought I'd be into Justin Timberlake and all that shit like everyone else?"
Kellin nods sheepishly "Yeah..."
You giggle "Its fine, I'm used to being judged by now, don't worry about it."
"Why would people judge you?" He asks curiously.
You sigh "Because I'm ugly, short, hang out with sluts and therefor am classed as a slut oh AND I don't go out partying at all so I'm a sad loner, the list goes on."
Kellin shakes his head "You're not ugly, not at all. When I saw you walk in here earlier I wanted to tell you how beautiful you looked but I thought you'd laugh at me or something, now I see you aren't like that. You look incredibly beautiful tonight (Y/N). As for the other stuff, short girls are cute in my opinion, you're definitely not a slut AND I never go out partying either."
Your eyes fill with tears "That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me Kellin, thank you."
He smiles and winks "No problem, beautiful. Now that the mood is right and Copeland is playing, may I have this dance?" He holds out his hand.
You giggle and take his hand "You may."
Kellin laughs and pulls you to the dance floor "Just so you know, the only dancing I can do is headbanging and even that usually only happens in my bedroom."
You nod and laugh "Same dude, same!"
Kellin places a hand on your hip and holds your other hand in his, you place your hand on his shoulder. "I never thought it'd be like this." He says quietly.
You raise an eyebrow "Like what?"
Kellin smiles "Slow dancing with the most beautiful girl I've ever seen to a Copeland song."
You giggle "Same, I had no idea it was possible to slow dance to a Copeland song but here we are!"
Kellin winks "And I never dreamed I'd actually talk to any girls tonight, let alone dance with any, but here we are!"
You smile "Hey, you're actually not a bad dancer!"
Kellin smiles widely "Thanks, neither are you!"
You giggle "I find it outrageous that you dont have a date, you're such a catch!"
Kellin laughs "Well thank you! Will you be my date?"
You gasp "On such short notice!?! Eh, why the fuck not!?! Yes, I'd love to Kellin!" You smile widely.
Kellin smiles down at you "Thank you."
You rest your head on his chest and continue swaying "No, thank YOU Kellin. For giving me compliments, being nice to me and just being generally awesome on the whole."
Kellin squeezes your hand "You're welcome! And thank YOU for noticing me when nobody else did, talking to me, having good taste in music, dancing with me and being my date!"
You giggle "You shouldn't be surprised that I spoke to you, I've always had a slight crush on you."
Kellin gasps "Really?"
You nod "Hell yeah! You're gorgeous, not sporty just like me, mysterious, quiet just like me and VERY musical. I've heard you sing in music class dude, you're fucking awesome!"
Kellin laughs "Thank you, music is everything to me. As for the other stuff I guess that's all true apart from the gorgeousness and mysteriousness, I'm not either of those."
You giggle "You so are!"
Kellin laughs "Well I guess its ok to admit I've always had a crush on you too."
You gasp as look up at him "Coincidence?"
He smiles adorably "I think not." And he leans in, as do you. Then, just like that, you're kissing. And everything is perfect.

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