Eventful Mcdonalds Trip

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(((((( AUTHORS NOTE: So uh yeah my smut book has been erased from the face of the planet. Basically, my mother told a teacher I write stories online, so now that teacher is reading my books, and I couldnt risk her reading one about my sexual fantasies involving Kellin Quinn. I had to explain to her the concept of fanfiction which was kinda awkward because she isnt a fan of any of my bands. Sad times. She's also gonna mention my stories in an assembly or some shit because this one has over 90,000 views atm, THANK YOU SO FUCKING MUCH FOR THAT BTW!!! But, I've got this joint account with a friend of mine, so Im just gonna republish ALL of my smuts there, you guys can still read them and everything, and I can continue to publish my incredibly awkward sexual fantasies which have obviously all happened to me because Kellin and I are 100% married yay happy days. THE ACCOUNT IN WHICH I SHALL REPUBLISH MY SMUTS IS - Wonders_Of_Kels They might not be up YET, but Im in the process of publishing them! Thanks for all the support, YOU are awesome! Yes, YOU! Specifically YOU! I love YOU! ;D )))))

You were strolling down the street, hand in hand with your boyfriend Kellin Quinn. Damn he looks good today. He looks good everyday obviously for fuck sake HE'S KELLIN QUINN OF COURSE HE LOOKS GOOD DAMMIT! Anyway, you and Kellin were heading to Mcdonalds for lunch today. It could be classed as a date, its not particularly romantic, but its still nice to eat out with your boyfriend. Kellin held the door open for you, while smiling widely at you. Giggling, you thanked him and made your way inside, keeping your head down to hide your blush from Kellin being such a gentleman. His fingers quickly intertwined with yours once again as you walked over to the desk at the front, you read over the menu briefly.
"Ok, so Im gonna get a big mac with extra fries, a chocolate milkshake, and for my gorgeous girlfriend...a completely plain cheese burger with fries and another chocolate milkshake, thanks!" Kellin smiles politely at the lady standing at the desk, who smiles back before typing in the order and turning around to hand it to someone.
You laugh slightly "How and why did you do that!?!"
Kellin kisses you sweetly "Well, I know you really cant talk to people at desks and ask them for things, so I ordered it for you. And, you almost always order the same thing when we come here, I just happened to take note of your usual order!" He winks at you.
You giggle "You are absolutely amazing!"
Kellin rolls his eyes playfully "So you keep telling me! I'll stay here and wait for the food, can you go grab us a table?"
You nod and smile at him "Now THAT I can do!" Then you start prowling around Mcdonalds for an empty table. Eventually you spot one near the entrance opposite to the one you and Kellin came through. You nod to yourself, its pretty well hidden and you probably wont get bothered here or feel anxious, perfect! You sit down and pull your phone out, hardcore stalking Tumblr to find Kellin Quinn imagines. Yes, you read Kellin Quinn imagines even though you're his girlfriend, you have an addiction.

Kellin arrives at the table minutes later, carrying the tray of food. You smile up at him and put your phone away, Kellin smiles back at you and sits opposite you, searching through the bags to separate your food from his, because LORD KNOWS if he touches your food he will not be getting laid for at least 3 hours. Maybe less. He's very provocative, look at his legs goddammit. You start eating, then you hear a rowdy group of teenagers enter Mcdonalds. They, of course, sit at the table directly behind you and Kellin. Fuck. They're very loud and incredibly foul mouthed. You wouldnt mind that in normal situations, but there are small children running around in here, those teenagers arent eating anything, its kinda pissing you off. Some teenage girls from another table stand up and leave, a young boy from the group behind you wolf whistles.
"Hey there sexy lady! C'mon over here darlin'!" He cheers cockily. Ugh.
One girl spins on her heel "What are you, like, 12!?!"
"Actually Im 14!" Says the boy.
You roll your eyes, as does the girl, because that makes SO MUCH difference. Kellin looks pretty pissed off too. Practically every girl thats walking out is getting bothered by this kid, and Kellin is not best pleased, neither are you.

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