Loving Him More Than Kyle Reese

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You and Kellin were just chilling on the couch. You originally planned to Netflix and Chill, but both you and Kellin are WAY too tired now. You're sitting across the couch, your legs on his lap, and he's tiredly drawing patterns on your legs with his fingers while you watch Kick Ass. He yawns and tries his best to cover it up, but you notice.
"C'mon Kels, lets go to bed!" You try to persuade him.
Kellin shakes his head "No baby, you wanted to watch this, I dont want to stop you watching a move simply because Im tired."
You roll your eyes and turn the TV off with the remote "Well, I'll have you know that you mean a whole lot more to me than ANY movie!"
Kellin raises an eyebrow "Even The Terminator?"
You nod and giggle "Yes! Well...actually..." You pretend to think about it.
Kellin gasps "I knew it! You're cheating on me with Kyle Reese!" He jokingly accuses before standing up and running towards the stairs, pretending to cry.
You roll your eyes and smile at his immaturity, before following him upstairs. He's already brushing his teeth. You squeeze some toothpaste onto your tooth brush and start to brush your teeth. You tap Kellins shoulder as you brush your back teeth, the motion of your hand suggests you could be doing something else.
Kellin spits his toothpaste out and dries his mouth "I bet you'd do that to Kyle Reese!" He pretends to be seriously offended as he stomps to the bedroom.
You spit your toothpaste out, dry your mouth, turn the lights off and head to yours and Kellins bedroom to find him standing on your bed, shirtless. You bite your lip "Kyle Reese doesnt look anywhere NEAR as good as you!"
Kellin smirks for a few seconds before pouting and crossing his arms over his chest "And yet you still love him more than me! How humiliating that you love a fictional character more than me!" He jumps and lands on the bed with his legs crossed and his arms folded over his chest,he pouts like a grumpy toddler.
You run over to him and jump on him, forcing him on his side. You start kissing him frantically, and as he's ticklish, he's laughing uncontrollably, which you find fucking adorable. You roll him over so he's flat on his back and rest your head on his chest, staring into his eyes. "Kyle Reese may be beautiful-" you begin, Kellin pouts, you continue. "-but he doesnt have your gorgeous eyes, or your amazing hair-" you run your fingers through his hair slowly and Kellin smiles warmly, enjoying the feeling of your hands in his hair. "-and he's nowhere near as adorable as you-" you rest a hand on his cheek and he nuzzles into it. "-and he doesnt have such a hot body-" you bite your lip as you look down at his chest, Kellin smirks. "-he isnt perfect in every way, he doesnt know the difference between when Im unable to find the words for certain things or when Im just unable to say, but you do."
Kellin is smiling so widely you're wondering why there arent sun rays coming from his face and lighting up the entire room. "Kyle Reese doesnt have the most beautiful girl on the planet, and he doesnt love you anywhere near as much as I do." He leans up to kiss you.
You smile against his lips "So, do you still think Im cheating on you with Kyle Reese?"
Kellin shakes his head and laughs "I think you're being loyal to me, not counting all of your fictional husbands."
You giggle and roll off him, you both slide under the covers. "Just remember, next time you try to accuse me of cheating on you with a fictional character, yours and Vics relationship."
Kellin laughs quietly and wraps his arms around your waist "I'll be sure to keep that in mind. I love you baby, sweet dreams!"
You smile and snuggle into him "I love you too Kels, sweet dreams right back at ya!"

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