He Has A Crush On You

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~ Kellins POV ~

Me and the guys are all going out for a meal, we're going to the bar to eat shit basically. They've told me that they're bringing someone else along and I have no idea who, they refuse to tell me. If its someone they know I fucking hate I swear to god I will kill them all.
"Hey, Justin?" I ask. Its me and him in one car, the rest of the guys have gone to pick up the mystery guest and they're gonna meet us there.
"Yeah?" He doesnt turn his attention away from the road infront of him.
"Who have you guys invited to eat with us?" Im honestly really curious. I probably wont get a straight answer after him, but its worth a shot.
Justin laughs "You know I cant tell you man, Im sorry, the guys'll kill me!"
I sigh and nod "I suspected as much. Do I like them though?"
Justin nods frantically "YES!!!" He shouts.
I laugh "Thats a relief, I was scared you'd invited someone I hate just to piss me off!"
Justin laughs "Would I do that to you!?!"
I nod "Honestly, you probably would."
"Yeah, actually you're right, I probably would." He agrees. And the rest of the car journey is silent, apart from the music blaring from the car radio.

We soon arrive at the bar, me and Justin jump out of the car and run into the bar, racing eachother like the big kids we are. I sigh, the rest of the guys and our mystery guest hasnt arrived yet, well that fucking sucks! Me and Justin sit on some bar stools, downing cans of Mountain Dew and Monster while laughing about stupid shit to pass the time.

After our second can each, the door to the bar creaks open. My head instantly turns to the door way. Gabe, Jack and Nick all fall through the door, landing on top of eachother. I hear an adorable giggle and seconds later (Y/N) walks in, shaking her head at the pile of guys on the floor. She steps over them and Im tempted to run over there and help her, but she manages to make it across herself. She smiles at Justin and then turns to me. She looks down at the floor and smiles beautifully. I've had the biggest crush on her for so long. My heart melts and my jaw drops, she's the cutest thing on the planet.

~ Your POV ~

"C'MON (Y/N) YOU HAVE TO COME OUT WITH US TO THE BAR!!!" The guys all shout down the phone.
You shake your head and laugh "Why the fuck should I?"
"BECAUSE YOU LOVE US!!!" They shout in reply.
You nod "True, anything else?"
You sigh "You guys know me too well, c'mon then, pick me up." You roll your eyes. The guys all laugh and you hear a loud car horn coming from outside. You facepalm "You're already here arent you." The guys all hoot with laughter, you shake your head and hang up before grabbing your purse and heading for the door. Jack, Gabe and Nick all honk the horn and wolf whistle at you, you flip them off and they laugh. You hop in the back of the car and Jack speeds down the road. "So, why are you guys so DESPERATE for me to come out with you tonight?"
Nick smiles at you "Well we love hanging with you."
"And Kellin wont shut the fuck up about you, ever." Jack adds.
You giggle and blush "Really?"
Gabe nods frantically "He has a HUGE crush on you but he refuses to admit it! And, we all know you like him too, so we're setting you up."
You shake your head "I fucking hate you noobs, but at the time time I fucking love you all." They all laugh. The rest of the journey is spent laughing and shouting the lyrics to basically every song that plays on the radio.

Soon enough you and the guys are at the bar, they all jump out of the car and run into the building, you shake your head and laugh at them before following. By the time you reach the door way you see Gabe, Jack and Nick all lying on the floor in a pile. You giggle at them and walk through, stepping over them. Once you're sure you're no longer in reaching distance of the guys hands and they cant pull you to the floor with them, you look up and smile at Justin and Kellin who sit at the bar. The way Kellin looks at you makes you blush and look at the floor. His jaw drops and you bite your lip. Justin runs up to you, picks you up and spins you around.
"HEY (Y/N) ITS BEEN FOREVER!!!" He shouts.
You laugh and shake your head "ITS LITERALLY BEEN A COUPLE OF-" you quickly look around for small children, there are none. "-FUCKING DAYS MAN!!! I know you love me and stuff, but seriously!"
Justin laughs and puts you down, he whispers in your ear "I love you, but not as much or in the same way as Kellin!" You gasp and playfully punch him several times, causing him to laugh. You roll your eyes at him and turn around, Gabe, Jack and Nick are all still on the floor.
You shake your head "Really noobs, you're gonna make ME pull you up!?!" They all laugh and nod. You roll your eyes again and walk over to them. Big mistake. They pull you to the floor into a suffocating pile. You laugh and struggle to breathe. "JUSTIN...KELLIN...HALP!!!" You shout before bursting out laughing. Nobody steps forward. You sigh "WHOEVER SAVES ME GETS A HUG!!!" Both Kellin and Justin run over to you, Justin helps you up first, so you hug him. Kellin looks unbelievably sad as he stares down at the floor, seeming defeated. You smile and crouch down so he can see you, he smiles weakly at you. You grab his arms and lift them up before throwing yourself at him, wrapping your arms around his middle and snuggling into his shirt. Kellin laughs and wraps his arms around you. Perfect fucking moment OR WHAT!?!

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