The Campfire

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Every year you and your friends meet up for a campfire. Its always on the same Friday night in the exact same place. Over the years new people were invited and the groups got bigger and bigger, at the most you've had 3 campfires on the same night because of the amount of people. The last campfire you were in a relationship with Kellin Quinn, things ended very badly for you 2 and you were very hurt, you walked in on him one night kissing some brunette. Sure, they were both fully clothed and he was drunk but it was still the most painful thing you've witnessed. You and him havent spoken at all since the last campfire and you know for a fact he'll be there this year, he always is. You never lost your feelings for him but over time you've managed to bury them so deep that you barely remember them. You fear that seeing him will re-awaken old feelings and you dont want that to happen again.

When you arrive at the campfire you see there are already people here. You smile and wave.
"Hey Ellie, Max how are you? Good? Awesome!" You smile at them.
"HEY (Y/N) LOOKING HOT AS ALWAYS!!!" Someone shouts.
You recognize the voice immediately and facepalm "Hey Danny..."
Danny wraps his arms around you and kisses your cheek "Hey sexy!"
You remove his arms from your waist and sigh, finding yourself a log to sit on. Danny was always flirting with you at the campfire and you never felt the same for him. He didnt love you he was just constantly being sexual and flirtatious and you always hated it. You start up conversations with people as more and more of your old friends arrive, you jump up and hug a few of them. And then it happened. He arrived. He came and sat on the log opposite you and smiled weakly, you gave him the exact same smile back.

Then Danny came and sat beside you, wrapping his arms around you. "Hey so I hear you're still single?" He slurs, wow he's already drunk.
You sigh "That I am Danny, just waiting for the right guy I guess."
Danny laughs "Well y'know Im Mr Right."
You shake your head "No Danny, you're the begging peasant to my royal queen and if you dont take your arms off me I will personally throw you in the same bush I did last year."
Kellin laughs at the memory and Danny takes his arms off you "Still as frigid as ever!" Danny mutters as he stands up, he begins walking away but you trip him up and he lands on his face.
"Im not frigid Danny, Im just not a slut." You clarify.
Kellin laughs "Nice comeback! I see you havent changed at all."
You smile slightly "Guess not."
"Have any other guys been in the picture?" He asks curiously.
You shake your head "Nope, what about you?"
He laughs "No guys or girls either Im afraid."
You laugh "Still havent come out of the closet yet then?"
He gasps in mock horror "Im not gay!"
You nod "No, you just prefer brunettes."
Kellin sighs "Look, Im really sorry-"
You hold up a hand "Save it Kellin, Im not looking for an apology. Im looking for a fun night out with my old friends."
He turns away from you then and you mentally slap yourself. Why the hell didnt you let him apologize!?! Because you would've fallen for him again, duh. Still, you missed the old times. The constant laughter and cute compliments, the awkwardness that never occurred, the silences that were always filled.

Throughout the night you and Kellin keep meeting eachothers gazes. He gives you pleading eyes but you do your best to ignore them and look away. Soon enough your best guy friend from high school, David, comes and sits beside you, Kellin never met him.
"Hey (Y/N) long time no see!" David says cheerily.
You smile at him "Yeah! Hey David, how's things?"
"Alright I guess, single and looking for the right person as always, you?" He raises an eyebrow.
You laugh "Single, ready salted, pringle though Im not looking for love right now. Im alright too yeah, I've been better and I've been worse."
"So I can finally make a move on you then?" He whispers in your ear.
You giggle "David!" You look over and see Kellin with an unbelievably sad expression.
David flops down beside you "KIDDING!!! Remember we always did that in high school?"
You laugh and facepalm "Oh yeah, DUH!!! To make our ex's jealous yeah I get ya!"
David leans close to your ear again "I think I see someone here that likes you..."
You gasp "WHO!?!"
He nods his head in Kellins direction "He looks a teeny bit jealous right now..."
You playfully punch his arm "I highly doubt that David, he has no feelings for me anymore."
He raises an eyebrow "Oh really?" David pretends to kiss your cheek and Kellin jumps up and walks away from everyone, behind a building.
You gasp "Dammit David why are you always so right!?! I have to go talk to him now!"
David laughs and shrugs "Just trying to set you up as always! Go get 'em tiger!"

You shake your head at him before walking in the direction you saw Kellin walk in. Once you're behind the building you see Kellin leaning against the wall with his head in his hands.
"K-Kellin?" You ask softly.
His gaze shoots up and you see he's crying. He laughs awkwardly "Oh hey (Y/N)."
You sit beside him "Whats wrong dude?"
He shakes his head "Nothin..."
You raise an eyebrow "Dont even try to lie to me, I can tell somethings wrong. You're crying! Spill it, now."
Kellin sighs "Its just...I thought that maybe I could try and...but then he...I wanted to fix things with you and then that guy kissed you...its stupid I know, thinking I still had a chance with you after being such a shitty boyfriend." He shakes his head and lets his head fall back to his hands.
You shuffle closer to him "Kellin, David was my best friend in high school. Me and him used to whisper to eachother like that in school to make eachothers ex's jealous. He told me he thought you were jealous and when I didnt believe him he pretended to kiss my cheek to prove his point. He's always been obsessed with setting me up. I dont love him and he doesnt love me."
Kellin sniffles "Are you sure about that?"
You giggle "Kellin...David is gay!"
Kellin lifts his head up and reads your face. He laughs "Wow. So I got jealous over a gay guy pretending to kiss a girl I never should've thought I had a chance with in the first place. My stupidity amazes me."
"How can you be sure that you dont have a chance with me?" You ask curiously.
Kellin shakes his head in his knees "Because I hurt you so much before. I really didnt mean to hurt you, I was drunk. Im so sorry (Y/N)!" He cries.
You wrap an arm around him and pull him close to you, stroking his hair "Shhh Kels its alright, I forgive you. Shhh."
He sniffles "I fucked up so bad. I lost the best thing that had ever happened to me! Now I'll never get you back!"
"Oh I dont know, you havent asked me yet." You giggle.
Kellins head shoots up to look at yours "But you wouldnt...Im such a shitty boyfriend."
You shake your head "Up until that night you were the best boyfriend in the world."
His eyes grow wide "So...would you take me back?
You shrug "It depends I guess."
"On what?" He raises an eyebrow.
"If you plan to make the same mistake as last time." You mutter, looking down at the floor.
Kellin lifts your chin with his finger "I promise you I wont ever hurt you again, I've never missed you so much in my life, Im not going to lose you again if you do take me back, its too painful to live without you."
You blush and smile "Are you going to ask me then?"
He smiles weakly "W-Will you take me back?"
You pretend to think about it before smiling widely "Of course I will Kellin!"
He gasps and pulls you into his arms "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
You giggle "No problem Kels, I missed you too." You bury your face in his hair.
He chuckles "This is the happiest I've been in the past year!"
You giggle "Same!"
He turns and kisses your cheek "I promise to never hurt you again or let you go. I love you."
You turn and look into his mesmerizing eyes "I promise to never leave you or make you suffer again. I love you too."
Kellins eyes fill with tears and he smashes your lips to his, touching you all over as though you might disappear at any moment. You sigh into the kiss, deepening it, giving it your all to show Kellin how much you've missed him. He moans slightly into the kiss and pulls you closer to him. You know for sure now that you love this man. And you never want to let him go.

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