You're Injured He Takes Care Of You

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((((( AUTHORS NOTE: Requested by - bandsbandsandkellic I hope you like it! XD )))))

"Please (Y/N), dont do this! I can change!" Kellin begs, following you as you cross the road towards your car.
You shake your head "No Kellin, its not your fault! I just...I need some time alone, ok? Please, dont make thise any harder!"
Kellin reaches out to touch you "(Y/N)..."
You look to the left and gasp before pushing Kellin over to the pavement, he gets there just in time, but the car crashes into you. Thankfully not with too much force, but enough to knock you down and break something.
"NO!!! (Y/N)!!! WAKE UP, PLEASE!!!" Kellin cries, shaking your limp body. He takes out hid phone and dials a number, but you dont know which one, because by then you cant hear anything and you drift away.

Beep beep.

Beep beep.

Beep beep.

Beepedy beep beep beep beep


Sadly the machine you're connected to didnt do that, such a goddamn shame. Your eyes open and you realize you're in hospital. Huh, you survived it then. Your right arm is in a caste and a sling, so you broke that then, fuck. You look to your left and see Kellin crying into the sheets of the hospital bed, clutching your hand. You squeeze his hand in yours and his head instantly lifts to look at you. He has tears in his eyes.
"(Y/N)?" He stutters.
You nod and pull yourself into a sitting position, Kellin instantly helping you. "Hey Kels, how long was I out?"
Kellin sniffles "A couple days."
You nod "Ah, ok. Whats the damage?"
"You've fractured your elbow and sprained your ankle. When...When the car hit you-" he struggles to say the words "-you fell onto your right side, so you fractured your right elbow and sprained your right ankle. As its my fault that you got hit, Im taking full responsibility, Im gonna fake xare of you."
You shake your head "It wasnt your fault, it was all mine, I stupidly said those stupid things and made you stupidly walk into a road and then I stupidly got hit by a car."
Kellin shakes his head "I know you still believe what you said to me, my taking care of you isnt about winning you back, though of course I really do want you back, but this about your wellbeing."
You raise an eyebrow "I honestly cant remember what brought me to saying those words to you, but boy do I regret it now."
Kellins eyes widen "Y-You regret breaking up with me!?!"
You nod "Yeah, more than anything, more than getting hit by a car."
"S-So that means?" Kellin pries.
You roll your eyes before smiling at him "I want you back too you goofball."
He laughs and smiles widely at you "Will you take me back?"
You nod "Hell yeah!"
Kellin leans over to kiss you before smirking "Im still taking care of you."
You sigh "I can afford a carer Kellin."
He shakes his head "No, I dont need paying so Im automatically the more sensible option."
You sigh again "There's no budging you on this is there?"
Kellin laughs and shakes his head "I've already been told and shown what I have to do as your carer."
You smile at him "Fine!"
Kellin claps like an excited child "Yay!"

You're back at home now, Kellin has been helping you with everything all day. Now is apparently the most painful part, re tying your sling. Y'see, because your arm has been in a sling, you havent used it. To re tie your sling you have to take it off, which will hurt like a bitch because your arm will literally fall and feel like a tonne of bricks.

((((( Thats actually completely true, I've fractured my elbow, trust me, it fucking hurts! )))))

You have to do this right before you go to bed, so that your arm is comfortable while you sleep. Thats another thing, you cant sleep on your right side anymore because you have to have a pillow under your damn right arm, fucking hell! You stand infront of Kellin who is sitting on the couch. He leans forward and slowly undoes the tie at the back of your neck before taking the sling completely off. You cry out as you arm falls and you think it is honestly gonna fall off. You can see by Kellins face that he's struggling to hear you in so much pain, so you shut up and suck your lips inside your mouth to stop yourself from screaming as Kellin VERY carefully picks up your arm and hold it in place. Tears fall from your eyes as he holds it up and re ties the sling. Then he opens his arms up and you fall into them, crying into his shirt.
"Im so sorry baby, I didnt mean to hurt you! Im so fucking sorry!" Kellin says, sounding extremely guilty.
You shake your head "Its fine, there's no way you c-could've st-stopped it hurting!" You continue to cry, hating the fact that you're upsetting Kellin.
"What can I do!?! Please baby, tell me what I can do to help!?!" He pleads.
"J-Just pull me into your a-arms a-and tell me e-everything will b-be ok, c-c-comfort me, p-please!" You cry.
Kellin nods and leans back on the couch, pulling you into his arms. He rubs circles in your back and kisses your hair. "Its gonna be alright baby, everything's gonna be ok, you're safe, shhh, Im so sorry baby." He whispers in your ear, kissing the side of your face apologetically.
You sniffle "I-Im sorry for crying a-and upsetting y-you by doing so. I-Im s-sorry for b-breaking up with you. Im sorry f-for being s-such a burden!" You burst into tears again.
Kellin shakes his head frantically "No baby, I know it hurts, you're allowed to cry infront of me, dont hold anything back baby, when you cry like this it shows you trust me enough to see you cry, please dont hide stuff like that from me! And we're back together now, everything's ok. You're not a burden, not at all, you just need a bit more help than before, and thats ok."
You snuggle into Kellins shirt "Y-You're the best boyfriend ever Kellin, I love you so much."
He kisses your hair and pulls a blanket over the two of you "You're the best girlfriend ever, I love you so much too, now get some sleep baby, sweet dreams." He kisses your cheek and you smile as your eyes drift into a deep sleep.

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