The Ghost Of You

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((((( AUTHORS NOTE: First of all, WHATS UP IMAGINE TITLE MCR REFERENCE!?!?!? Second, this imagine was requested by peearl50547 I hope you like it! XD )))))


You strolled down the street, flicking through the photos you held in your hands, memories of yours. Some flew out of your hands once you'd looked at them, some you just dropped for no reason. You were heading home. If you could call it home. Nobody lives there but you anymore. Its where everything ended for you, so its where you're forced to stay.

~ Kellins POV ~

I notice a girl on the other side of the street, not looking where she's going. She's looking down at something in her hands. I see pieces of paper flying out behind her, but I dont think she's noticed that she's dropped them. I run across the street and scramble around to pick them up. Once I've gathered them all up, I start running after her. She walks EXTREMELY fast. I consider shouting out to her, grab her attention somehow, but what would I say? I dont know her name, and shouting lady or miss could attract the attention of any female that can hear me! The way she's walking...its almost like she's floating. She cant be though, its probably just my vision clouding as Im running. She turns a corner and a gate swings open, she doesnt see me as she turns, but the wind blows her hair back and I see her beautiful face, it almost sends me into a state of shock. Holy shit. She looks undeniably sad. I wonder why? She walks through the gate and down a path, then through a door. The door is left open. I decide to follow her, she'll probably want these pictures back, and I want to make sure she's ok.

~ Your POV ~

You left the door open because the wind generally closes it on its own. You glide up the stair case, but hear a door creak from behind you. You crouch down at the top of the stairs and look down at the floor below. A gorgeous man waltzes in, holding your pictures. He followed you!?! He's got long-ish dark hair and is wearing black skinny jeans, accompanied by a plaid red shurt over a plain black shirt. He's a sight, and a beautiful one at that. You watch him as he looks around aimlessly, seeming to be searching for something.  He turns and catches your eye, you lock gazes, and you see his gorgeous eyes. Fuck. He breaks the stare and runs towards you, up the staircase. You shake your head and run into a bedroom, hiding behind a door and trying to remain calm and focussed, to make yourself as invisible as you can manage. The man runs into the room and looks around,when he doesnt see you he runs a hand through his hair and sighs.
"Dammit!" He sits down on the bed in this room, its old and rattles quite a bit, and it only has a mattress on it, but you dont sleep so it doesnt really matter. He starts flicking through the pictures, your memories. His eyebrows furrow together. "Who's this guy? He's in practically all these pictures!" He mutters, trying to piece together the puzzle within the pictures.
You let out a breath you didnt realize you were holding, but still remain unseen. "My ex boyfriend. Why did you follow me?"
The mans eyebrows raise as he looks around, trying to find you "I-I uh...I wanted to give your pictures back to you because you dropped them. And I wanted to ask if you were ok, you looked extremely sad outside....are you ok?"
"I dont know, thats a good question." You ponder the thought. Have you ever been ok? Its a strange question to be asked, especially in your situation.
"Why cant I see you?" The man asks.
"Because I dont want to be seen. Whats your name?" You ask curiously.
"Kellin Quinn, and yourself?" Kellin replies.
"(Y/N). Its cool to meet you Kellin." You answer, smiling slightly.
Kellin laughs shortly "Its cool to meet you too (Y/N). So, are you ok?"
You shrug "I have no idea. Probably not, but then Im not really anything, its a very difficult question."
Kellin raises an eyebrow "You only have to answer yes or no, why wouldnt you be ok?"
You sigh "The guy in the ex boyfriend...thats why I wouldnt be ok..."
"Bad breakup huh?" Kellin concludes.
You nod "Of sorts. He cheated on me multiple times, apologized, and I was so in love with him that I forgave him straight away. I was so stupid, so naive. He never cared about me at all, I was just a trophy to him. Also a punching bag at times."
Kellin gasps "Did he hit you!?!"
You nod and sniffle "Yeah, he was a heavy drinker."
"That fucking bastard! Im so sorry you had to go through that (Y/N)! Why are you living her though? Its like an old haunted mansion or something!?!" Kellin laughs slightly.
You shrug "I cant leave."
"Why not? Can you come out please? It'd be so much easier to talk to you that way." Kellin pleads.
You sigh "Fiiine." And you step out from behind the door, letting yourself become visible again. Kellin gasps. You raise an eyebrow "What?"
"'re just fucking beautiful!" He says, unable to take his eyes off you.
If you could blush, you would definitely be blushing. You smile shyly "Thank you Kellin." You change the subject "Anyway, back onto the subject of my current living situation. After I caught my ex cheating on me the final time, I tried to break it off. He started screaming at me, throwing punches wherever he could. I was so scared. I hit underneath that bed right there, the one you're sitting on, and he flipped it over to that it landed on top of me. I was basically dead already. He left me to die, but I somehow survived it. I pulled myself out from under that bed, and barricaded myself in the bathroom. At this point my ex had already taken all of his, and my, stuff out of the house, leaving only that bed here. I ran myself a bath and ended it all, the pain was unbearable. Im what you could call a restless spirit, as I died before I supposedly should've Im banished to this house and the small space of land around it, unable to leave, for the rest of eternity most probably."
Kellins eyes are filled with tears at your heart breaking story. "Y-You cant be a ghost! Its not possible!"
You hold one of your hands out to him "Try and hold my hand." You whisper hoarsely.
Kellin sniffles and reaches his hand out to yours, tries to take a hold of it, but his hand grabs at what looks like thin air. He gasps "H-Holy shit! Im so sorry (Y/N)! I wish I'd been there for you, to help you through this! I want to meet this fucking douchebag and beat the literal shit out of him for doing this to you! Oh my god!"
You shake your head and sniffle "It's fine dude, dont worry about it. Now you understand why it was hard for me to answer your question, how can I be ok when Im not really anything in the first place? The pictures you found arent actual pictures, they're memories, and when they flew out of my hands, they flew out of my memory too. Im slowly fading away into nothingness, and I have no pictures left, no memories, I can only remember the most traumatic times in my life at this point. I cant even remember what I look like! I feel like I could slip away at any moment!"
Kellin smiles slightly "I can tell you what you look like if you want me to? And I'll stay with you then, to help you through this now."
You smile at him "Could you? And thanks, that means a lot."
Kellin stares at you then, taking everything in "You're beautiful. Your eyes are mesmerizing. Your hair is long and frames your face perfectly. You're honestly the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."
You look down at the floor, your hair covering your face "Th-Thank you Kellin."
Kellin smiles widely "No problem!"
"If its not too much to ask, could you tell me about yourself? Your life story, stuff like that? As Im forgetting my own life, it'd be nice to imagine some happy memories with someone." You ask nervously.
Kellin nods "Of course." And so he begins telling you his life story. You stand infront of him, unable to sit beside him as you will literally fall through the bed, and listen to every word, absorbing it all. Turns out he's in a band, and he's the lead singer. He sang one of his songs for you, it was called The Strays, and his voice is absolutely phenomenal. He's phenomenal. But as he goes into more detail, you feel yourself slipping further and further. You fall to the floor suddenly, and its a shock to you, you havent felt the sensation of falling in so long.
Kellin gasps and jumps up, falling to his knees beside you "(Y/N)!?! Whats wrong!?!"
Things are fading around you, its so strange. "I-Im fading! Its all gone! No!" You cry "I dont wanna go!" You raise a hand to cover your eyes as the light blinds you, then it leaves. You open your eyes and see you're still in the same room, but even a different place. Your floating up by the ceiling now, Kellin is kneeling on the floor and sobbing.
"(Y/N)!?! COME BACK!!! PLEASE!?! DONT LEAVE ME!!! I NEED YOU!!! I LOVE YOU!!!" He cries.
You gasp, he loves you!?! "I love you too." You say in reply, but get no reaction. You float down infront of him "Kellin?" He continues sobbing "KELLIN!?!" You shout, but get no reaction. Oh fuck. This is it. You're literally invisible.
"I-I cant live without her...." Kellin says as he jumps to his feet. He runs around, until he finds what he was looking for: the bathroom. He locks himself inside and runs a bath.
"Kellin, what are you doing?" You ask cautiously, but still get no reply.
He sniffles and looks at his reflection in the mirror, before grabbing a blade that was left on the side of the sink. He climbs into the bath fully clothed, and twists the blade in his fingers. He rolls his sleeves up.
"KELLIN!!! STOP!!!" You cry, but it has no affect.
Kellin takes a deep breath and holds the blade to his wrist. He presses down and drags it along his arm, straight up his vein. Thats not how you did it, but it seems to be more effective, blood instantly floods from his wrist, turning the water a murky brown/red color. You scream in horror as he does the same to the other wrist.
"BRING ME THE FUCK BACK!!!" You scream "DO IT!!! LET ME COME BACK!!!" You cry. Then you feel something, a slight change in yourself. "KELLIN, STOP!!!" You cry, and his tired eyes open at the sound of your voice.
"(Y/N)?" He asks hoarsely.
You nod as tears fall from your eyes "Its me Kels. What the fuck are you doing!?!"
Kellin smiles slightly "Staying with you, for the rest of forever."
You shake your head and cry "Please! Stop this! You deserve to live out a happy life! Please!"
Kellin shakes his head "No, I cant live happily without you, I cant live at all, now now. I love you." He whispers.
"I love you too Kellin." You whisper back. Kellin smiles as his eyes drift shut, the water is now a blood red. His breathing slows, and you notice his chest stops rising. The room grows a deadly, tense kind of silent. "K-Kellin?" You stutter. "KELLIN!?!" You scream, nothing happens. Kellins blood covered corpse lies floating in the red bath water. The sight makes you want to vomit. You run out of the bathroom, through doors, walls, until you're outside. You fall to your knees and try to clutch the grass, letting out the loudest scream you can before bursting into tears.

You feel a hand on your shoulder and gasp. Nobody can touch you. Nobody that's alive anyway. You turn and see Kellin standing behind you, wearing exactly what he was earlier. His sleeves are rolled back down and he has almost a glow around him.
"K-Kellin!?! B-But you!?!" You blurt out in shock.
Kellin smiles and takes your hands in his "I can finally hold your hands!" He pulls you into his arms "I can finally hug you! Im gonna be with you forever now (Y/N), you wont be alone anymore, and I wont treat you like shit, I'll treat you exactly as you deserve. I love you so fucking much."
You smile and snuggle into his hoodie "I missed you Kels. I love you so fucking much too, and I cant wait to spend the rest of forever with you. How about we spook the people that walk past us by shaking bushes and shit, to celebrate!?!" You suggest eagerly.
Kellin laughs and nods "That sounds like an awesome idea!"

Kellin Quinn ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now