Your High School Relationship

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You stir from your sleep and smile as you feel Kellins arms around you and his lips kissing your neck.
"Goodmorning Kels!" You say sleepily, opening your eyes.
Kellin chuckles "Goodmorning beautiful, sorry I woke you."
You shake your head and stretch "Its alright, we've got school today anyway. C'mon Kels, we've got a science exam today and we're allowed to listen to music for once, I am NOT missing this!" You hop out of Kellins bed, wriggling free of his large t-shirt that you slept in before dashing to the shower. You can hear Kellin laughing in the bathroom. You and Kellin have been dating for just over a year now, its been the best year of your life. You have a speedy shower before wrapping a towel around you and returning to the bedroom to grab your clothes, you run back to the bathroom amd get dressed, drying your hair, washing your face and spraying yourself with deodorant before leaving the bathroom. Kellin runs into the bathroom as soon as you're out. You giggle and stroll downstairs, smiling and greeting Kellins mom before tucking into breakfast. Kellin arrived downstairs in 10 minutes looking very sharp and handsome. Your jaw hangs open for a second as you stare at the gorgeous man infront of you. Kellin laughs and steps forward, lifting your chin with his finger to close your mouth before kissing you softly. You giggle and run upstairs, brushing your teeth and grabbing your school bag. 5 minutes later Kellin arrives upstairs to do the same.

You walk out of his house smiling, Kellin wraps an arm around you and you snuggle into him.
"Pop quiz, whats the difference between chemosynthesis and photosynthesis?" You ask, testing Kellin to make sure he passes the test.
" is used in the dark as a substitute for the...creatures that live in the places the sunlight doesnt reach...the other is the most common one that all creatures that live in places where sunlight is available use." He says proudly.
You lean up and kiss his cheek "Correct! What type of acid is produced during anaerobic respiration?"
Kellin is thoughtful for a moment " acid!"
You squeal "Great job Kels! What music are you gonna be listening to during the test?"
Kellin smiles widely "Probably some Nirvana, Michael Jackson and some of Vics stuff, its pretty cool dont ya think?"
You nod in agreement "Im gonna be listening to a bit of Vic too, didnt he say he was gonna start a band or something?"
Kellin smiles widely and nods "Yeah, he did actually, him and his brother are gonna start one. What else are you gonna be listening to baby?"
You smile widely "Michael Jackson, Green Day, My Chemical Romance and you. Werent you and Jesse gonna start a band too?"
Kellin kisses you "Yeah, we're just looking for members at the moment, nothing's fixed but I'd really love to go into the music business."
You snuggle into his shirt "I bet you're gonna go far, whatever members are in the band, with your amazing voice and genius lyric writing it isnt possible to fail. Im already your number 1 fan! I've bought all of your songs that are available on iTunes. You have an amazing voice Kels and Im gonna support you for forever, thats a promise."
Kellin pushes you into a tree and wraps his arms around your waist, smashing his lips to yours "Thank you so much baby, you have no idea how much it means to me when you say stuff like that. I love you."
You giggle "I love you too Kels!" Just then the school bell goes, you squeal excitedly before grabbing Kellins hand and running into school.

Sure, you're a complete nerd but that doesnt mean you like school. You werent squealing because you couldnt wait for lessons, you just loved being able to listen to your music all day. Well, almost all day. About 65% of the school day. Thats not the point!

You're in science now, the test has just begun. Kellin is sitting a couple of desks behind you, facing you. He looks nervous. He notices you looking at him and smiles weakly, you give him a thumbs up and blow him a silent kiss before mouthing "You can do it!"
He smiles widely and mouths "Thanks baby!" Before taking his earphones and phone out of his pocket, you smile and do the same. The first song that plays when you press shuffle Kellins song "Notice Me" you smile widely and mime all the lyrics while filling in the test, you're so glad you revised for this, its so freaking easy!

((((( AUTHORS NOTE: The song Notice Me is by Kellin Quinn and was written and sung BEFORE he was in sws so I thought it'd be cool to feature the song in this imagine, its actually a pretty cool song, you guys should check it out! )))))

You read through your test one final time, checking all of your answers, before closing it and placing it infront of you face down. You check the time, you've still got 20 minutes to waste before the end of this lesson. You look around and your eyes land on Kellin in deep concentration, he looks so cute you could just kiss every inch of his face but you cant because you're in class and he's doing a test. God-FREAKING-dammit. You pick your phone up and decide to scroll through the masses of songs you own. Then you look through your photos, giggling quietly over some of the selfies you and Kellin took and some of the hilarious mug-shots you took of Kellin. You turn your music up slightly as your My Chemical Romance playlist begins to blast through your earphones. About half way through scrolling between photos you freeze. The introduction of the song begins to play and you start shaking.

"When I was...a young father...took me into the see a marching band."

Tears begin to form in your eyes, they're your favorite band and this song...its just so sad. You pull out one earphone and raise your hand in the air.
The teacher notices "Yes (Y/N), what is it?"
You clear your throat, not letting the tears fall just yet "Can I be excused for a few minutes sir, I've finished my test?"
The teacher nods and waves his hand "Fine, hurry up, Im not supposed to let you out during this test." You nod and jump out of your seat, practically running out of the classroom. You run to the girls bathrooms but dont go inside, there could be people in there. Instead you sit outside the bathroom door, cuddling your knees to your chest. You cry for a solid 5 minutes before drying your eyes and returning to the classroom. A few more people have finished their tests, including Kellin. He looks up at you as soon as you walk in and you give him a weak smile. He raises an eyebrow and when his expression changes to one of shock, you know your eyes are red and puffy. You slump back down in your seat and continue listening to your music. You get a text and you're so glad you have your earphones in, otherwise you could've got a detention!

Kellin: Have you been crying baby? 😱 Xxxx

You: Maybe a little, how'd you find the test? 😌 Xxxx

Kellin: Dont try and change the subject! The test sucked actually, there were no jokes or anything. Why were you crying baby? 😧 Xxxx

You: Welcome To The Black Parade... 😢 Xxxx

Just as Kellin reads that text, the bell goes, signaling its the end of class. You stand from your seat once again and leave the classroom, speed walking to the field, Kellin close on your heels. Once you reach the field you turn around and Kellin is there, he instantly pulls you to his chest and rubs circles in your back, you let the tears fall freely again.
Kellin kisses your hair "Dont cry baby, its alright, on a positive subject I bet you got 100% on that test! Me on the other hand, well I probably got about 40%."
You shake your head and laugh "I doubt I got 100% Kels. So long as you got the last high-marked questions right you'll get way more than 40%. Did you explain your answers in as much detail as possible?"
Kellin nods "I also added jokes, to make the teachers like me more and give me higher grades for my rad punch lines!" He laughs.
You smile widely into his shirt "Great job Kels, Im sure all the teachers will love your jokes!"
"Are you alright now baby?" Kellin asks softly.
You nod and sniffle, pulling away from him so you can smile up at him. Kellins jaw drops. You giggle "What? Do I look like I've been dragged through a hedge backwards? Shit."
Kellin laughs and shakes his head "I just cant believe how beautiful you look, even after crying so much!"
You punch his arm playfully "Dont fuck with me man, thanks anyway though!"
Kellin holds his arms up in innocence "I speak nothing but the truth!"
You roll your eyes "uh huh and Im Audrey Hepburn!"
He wraps his arms around your waist "If you're Audrey Hepburn then I must be James Dean!"
You giggle "If you're James Dean Im Audrey Hepburn!"
Kellin smiles widely "If Im James Dean you're Audrey Hepburn! Hey, that'd make a good song title!"
You nod with an impressed expression on your face "Yeah, I cant wait to hear the lyrics you write to go with it! We'd better go eat now Kels, Im STARVING!!!" Kellin laughs as you grab his hand and pull him to the lockers to retrieve your lunch.

((((( AUTHORS NOTE: Are you guys enjoying all the references as much as I am!?! XD )))))

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