He Doesnt Feel Like He Belongs

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((((( AUTHORS NOTE: So I bought the latest Rock Issue magazine and its got several pages on sws, which is why I bought it. At one point Kellin says that he sometimes feels like he doesnt have a place in this world, this really makes me sad. I wrote a huge speech about this and posted it on twitter, its a letter addressed to Kellin telling him that I feel exactly the same, that he means everything to me, that he'll always have a place in my heart and that I intend to be there for him when he feels that way just as he was for me when I felt that way. THAT ladies and possibly gentlemen is what gave me the idea for this imagine! XD )))))

Kellin sits on your bed with his head in his hands, he's not crying but he's sniffling which means he probably will cry. You stand in the door way to your bedroom, watching him with a very worried expression.
"K-Kellin?" You ask quietly.
Kellin lifts his head from his hands and smiles fakely at you "Yes baby?"
You sigh and sit down on the bed beside him, you lean your head on his shoulder "Whats wrong Kellin?"
He shakes his head and looks out the window "Nothing, Im fine..."
"Whats that I smell?" You sniff the air dramatically, causing Kellin to look over at you with raised eyebrows. You nod "I could swear thats the smell of complete and utter BULLSHIT!!!"
Kellin laughs "You got me, Im not ok."
You kiss his shoulder "Tell me whats wrong Kels, please."
He sighs "I just...I dont feel like I have a place in this world. There's a huge amount of pressure on me from my fans, the guys, you, its a lot to handle. Im just...its all getting to me now, thats all."
You nod slowly "Im sorry if I did something wrong to make you feel like you dont have a place here or that I pressurized you into something, I didnt mean to..."
Kellin shakes his head frantically "No, no, no baby thats not what I meant! By pressure I mean Im pressuring myself into being a good husband to you, you're not pressuring me at all. I just feel like its my job to be the best husband I can be, Im pressurizing myself."
You sigh with relief "Oh, ok. In which case stop. Stop trying to be the best. You dont need to try, you already are the best, thats just your nature. I know for a fact its also in your nature to try and make people around you happy, maybe you should work on making yourself happy instead? Kellin, I love you with all my heart, everything I own, my entire being. You will ALWAYS have a place in this house, in my heart and in my mind. No matter where you are, no matter how far apart we are, Im always with you, remember that. It doesnt matter what Im doing, you never leave my thoughts. You mean absolutely everything to me and I hate to see you in such a state of stress and anxiety. I know there's a heavy weight on your shoulders and I know that can be hard to deal with, but Im always here for you Kels. You've saved so many lives, you're still saving them now while you're sitting here. People all over the world are discovering your music for the first time right now, some may be just on youtube for fun and some may be looking for reasons to live. You are my reason to live Kellin, you are the only reason Im here. I love you so much."
Kellin turns to face you and instantly kisses you, forcing you back on the bed. He wraps his arms around you "Thank you so much baby, I needed that." He starts kissing down your neck and you strain to get his shirt off, his hands clamp around yours and pull them away from his shirt buttons. Kellin shakes his head and flops down on the bed beside you.
You raise an eyebrow "What is it Kels?"
He sighs and holds a hand on his forehead "Its just...with all these kids taking photos of me all the time, when Im not decent and literally just got out of my fucking bed, its made me..." He shakes his head.
You rest your head on his chest "Are you insecure baby?" Kellin nods and doesnt speak. You smile and get on top of him, straddling him. You kiss the back of his hand and hold it in yours. Kellin cups your cheek with it and you nuzzle into it, kissing his palm. You look into his eyes. "Y'know, you have such beautiful eyes Kellin." You sigh and bite your lip, losing yourself in the depths of his eyes. You move onto his mouth "And oh god your lips, dont even get me started! I would kiss you ALL FUCKING DAY if I could but unfortunately I have to breathe." Kellin chuckles. You smile widely "Your laugh is adorable too, and your smile lights up my heart!" You run your fingers through his hair "And your amazing hair, holy fuck, I cant even describe this shit. Its so fucking-ARGH!!! I guess you could say it was totally rad!" You wink at him and he laughs. You stroke his colorful arms "And your arms, muscular, strong, tanned, colorful, your tattoos are fucking awesome!" You look back up at his face "Can we also just clarify that your whole damn being gives meaning to my existence? K, lets continue." Kellin laughs. You hop off him and look down at his legs "You have better fucking legs than me what the fuck what sorcery is this!?!" Kellin laughs again. You sit back on him and tug at his shirt, pouting "Pleeeaaaase let me take it off baby I'll just DIE otherwise!"
Kellin laughs and rolls his eyes "Well if its take my shirt off or you die, I know which one I'd rather live with!" He undoes his buttons and pulls his shirt off, throwing it on the floor.
You bite your lip "I'd forgotten how perfect your chest and stomach is. God-FUCKING-dammit I think my ovaries just exploded!" Kellin laughs, you kiss the part of his chest that covers his heart "Kellin, I love every single thing about you. Your body is fucking perfect in every way, no matter what lighting or angle, and your personality is probably the most beautiful thing in the universe. Ignore those stupid kids taking photos of you, they'll just drool over them later anyway! Or, y'know, jerk off. They dont get the real thing like I do, Im the luckiest woman alive!" You smile widely.
Kellin leans up and kisses you hard "I love you so fucking much (Y/N). You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen and I love you more than can be put into words."
You giggle and blush "Thank you babe! I wouldnt change a single thing about you, not even one hair on your perfect head!" You kiss his forehead.
Kellin smiles and wraps his arms around you "I have the most perfect wife ever."
You giggle "And I have the most perfect husband ever. Coincidence? I think not!"
Kellin laughs "I love you baby."
You smile widely "I love you too Kellin."

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