Chapter 9: Never Let Me Go

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Chapter 9: Never Let Me Go


It's totally cliché, but I've never loved anyone so much in my life.

She made my world brighter, and happier. I could never express the way I feel for her. She is so beautiful; she doesn't seem to think so. I wish she loved herself half as much as I do.

"Do you ever want to get married someday?" I loved Kamie's openess.

"Yeah, of course." I respond.

"I love you." She says.

"I love you back" I say teasingly.

She smirks. Our conversation was inturrupted by the bell.

"Damn, I wanted to kiss you." She says.

"I'm right here." I smile.

She reaches up and kisses my lips softly.

"Bye." She says.

I stood there shaken, her kisses were rousing.

She constantly left, making me want more. I think that was her intention.

I watched her walk away, she causually swayed her hips as she padded down the hall.



I took my usual seat next to Jillian in Health class.

"Alright students. Today, we will be watching a video about the miracle of life." Our teacher, Mrs. Ungerminer, tells us.

"Wait; please don't tell me we're watching the birthing video...again." I tell Jill.

"Well, you'll be dissapointed today."

"Why do they make us watch this everyday?"

"I don't know, to talk everyone out of ever having sex."

I laughed, even though I knew she wasn't joking.

"Hey, so listen." She says, pulling my attention away from the horrific video.

"Me and Tony and a few friends are taking a weekend trip to Taylorsville Lake, do you and Keene want to come?"

"A weekened trip, Jillian? On what planet do you think my mom would be ok with that... and you know there'd be boys going with us."

"Can't you just ask her? Tony's family is letting us borrow their cottages for the whole weekend, please?!" She begs.

"Jillian Berd, take the volume down a notch." Mrs. Ungerminer yells.

"Sorry, senora." She says.

I tried to direct my attention back to the TV; there was a lot of blood and even more screaming. Immediately, I shifted into Jill's direction.

"Keene and I have only been boyfriend and girlfriend for 2 months now. Isn't it a little to soon for us to take a trip together?" I ask, keeping my voice low.

"Well, it's not like you're even gonna share the same room or anything."

"I'll ask my mom tonight." I say doubtfully.


When I got home, I waited for mom get there. And just to get on her good side I: cleaned the kitchen, washed the dishes, and made dinner.

At 4:30, her car pulled up in the driveway. Patiently, I sat at the table, waiting for her to come in.

"Hi, baby."She says. Good, she's in a happy mood.

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