Chapter 47: Fire In The Water

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Guess what! 3 more chapters!!! AH! :(/:) 


writer_secrets and Authors_And_1D: those are my joint accounts with Kellin_Quinn and 1DandBVB. We are writing stories together. 

PS- Here come more cliff hangers! Sorry. Just hug  a friend. Love you. :) :*

Enjoy reading, lovelies!

Chapter 47: Fire In The Water 

I grew more and more anxious as we drove closer to our designated address. Keene tried to calm me down by bringing up anything but today’s situation.

“You were feeling guilty last night, weren’t you?”

“How did you know that?” I needled, becoming worried.

He responded, “You were talking a lot in your sleep… mumbling.”

“What did I say?”

“I don’t know… something about… me. That was the only thing I could make out. You kept saying ‘I’m sorry’ over and over again.”

I thought back to my dream, the one I hated thinking about. I had déjà vu from the honeymoon when I’d had that terrible, terrible nightmare about Keene dying. I’d been sobbing in my sleep aparently.

I didn’t want to think about dying, but the odds of mortality certainly weren’t in our favor.

This was definatley not the way I wanted to settle things; I knew there’d be no compromise… there would be no talking things through. What was there to talk about? This was going to end one way, and one only; someone was going to live and someone was going to die.  The kids would be alright with Jillian and Teddy. I struggled to think about everythings.

“Kamie?” Keene’s words brought me out of my state of mind.


He took a deep breath, “We’re here.”

Ice trickled through my veins, pumping through my system, cold and fast. My heart thrummed painfully. My stomach tightened, fearful. The breaths I breathed became rapid. I felt this way because I knew the heartbeats I had left were numbered.

I sat frozen, holding my breath.

Keene neared closer towards me. He pressed his nose to the side of my face. “We’ll be alright,” He whispered.

No… we won’t. I looked down, “I’m worried about you,”

“Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine,”

I wouldn’t get the irony of that sentence until later….

I grabbed the sides of his jacket, keeping him still. “Keene, I love you.” I whispered. His lips met my forehead and we both closed our eyes.

“I never forgot to thank you.” He said.

“For what?”

“For everything you’ve given me… a life that I never imagined could be this amazing,” for once I could hear the fear in his voice, he wasn’t sure of anything. We didn’t know who or what would happen upon us. I pressed my lips to his.

“I-I…I love you,” He said.

“I… love you more,” I said back.

Everything felt like a tornado, ripping through the foundations of strong bonds, swirling sins into the air, and…killing.

“Remember this, okay?” He asked. I nodded.

And after one last, longing glance… we slowly got out of the car and walked up to the door.

The house was a large, white mansion.

Keene slowly turned the door knob. The interior wasn’t what I thought it would be. It was a large, yet empty space.

It was dark inside so we couldn’t see anything.

The eerie quiet set me on edge even more than anything. There was dead silence. I clinged to Keene’s arm as we walked. We didn’t talk; the silence was enough to keep us edgy.

I knew he too was growing frightened by the way he kept rubbing the small of my back. The air was muggy as if there hadn’t been a cool circulation in years. We didn’t whisper or murmur. Nothing and everything was going on all at the same time.

I could feel the quiet creeping up my spine. Keene tensed up next to me; his arms tightening around my waist. It was pitch black. We couldn’t even see our own hands. “Kamie,” I jumped at the sound of Keene’s voice.

“Shh…. Just… hold my hand.” He lulled.

My fingers laced the spaces in between his. I squeezed his palm in my fist, the fear rizing up in my veins.

“I’m sorry for making you go through all of this.” I uttered.

“Don’t appologize, okay? If it was about what I said at the hotel last night I-”

“No. That’s not it… I just feel really guilty about all of this and it really makes me wonder what would’ve happened if you’d stayed away. We would be okay. I’d be depressed, like normal and you’d be better off withou-”

“Don’t you ever say that again; don’t even begin to suggest that we shouldn’t be together. We’ve made it this far and that means something, we’re not breaking now. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to my life.”

I smiled internally. My eyes began adjusting to the darkness, and I could make out a few faint shapes ahead of me. One of the shapes was taller, and seemed to be moving….

Unanticipatedly, Keene’s hand somehow fell out of my grasp and I stumbled, falling down. I became aware of the fact that Keene was in fact not even near me. I couldn’t feel the warmth of his body that I longingly needed.

I brushed myself off and stood. Looking left and right didn’t help anything; the darkness was suffocating blackness.

Instinctivley, I followed a path of light continuing down the hallway. It lead me to a doorway that was slightly cracked open. I reached for the doorknob, but just as quickly jumped back. What am I doing? But, I couldn’t be cowardly now. I spun the door open.

The room was larger than life. It had hardwooded floors and high ceilings with a chandelier hanging down center.

I froze as I felt someone behind me, their close proxemity nauseating my stomach. I knew their sent well: whiskey and cigarettes.

I knew the voice that struck fear into my driving heart.

“Damn it,” I whispered.

“Wow, I didn’t think you’d come. Thank you.” The voice got closer.  I was locked from the outdoors, locking me from safety.

Someone was going to die.

And then the door shut tight.

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