Chapter 46: Kiss Me

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A/N 4 chapters to go! :'( Please vote, y'all!

PS- This song is amazing.  I promised a longer chapter! Happy reading :*

Chapter 46: Kiss Me

I was greatful that we had enough time to hold our fighting off until tomorrow. Just a hotel…with Keene…sounded really nice.

We padded up to our hotel room on the top floor. We were a block away from our fighting location. We’d been driving for five hours and it was now eight o’clock at night.

Our hotel room had blue walls, white carpeted floors, and an all white bathroom. There was a large window to the west, across from the caramel colored bed.

We sat our stuff next to the door and sat on the edge of the bed together.

“So, what now?” I asked with a resigned sigh.  He shrugged, “I don’t know, I’m not really that tired.”

“Me either,” I agreed.

“I’m nervous about tommorow.” He suggested, sighing.

I moved closer to him, “All we can hope for is the best, you know? Maybe he just wants to talk about everything.”

He stood up and the edge in voice grew sharper, “Oh come on, Kamie! You said it yourself… he wants you to be with him, and if I’m in the way of that….”

“But, don’t you see? I do not want him, Keene!”

“Like that changes anything!”

I scoffed, “Why the hell are you yelling at me?!”

He glared at me, now standing centimeters from my face.

His voice was pure acid, “I’m starting to think it’d just be easier if we gave him what he wanted.”

I took a step closer to him, “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Well, I mean… this wouldn’t have ever happened if you weren’t stupid enough to stay with a guy whose favorite activity was using you as a punching bag.”

His words stung horribly.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that.” He regretted.

“Then why’d you say it?” I growled weakly, his words impaired me more than anything.

“I’m sorry,” He expresses.

“I can’t believe you’d say that.”

I turned to go. Keene grabbed my wrist, “Kamie, wait…” he looked at the floor, then into my eyes, “please?”

I looked at him through tightened eyes and shook his hand off me.

I sulked into the bathroom, and slammed it in his face, locking it behind me.

“Kamie, please let me in. I just want to talk. You know I don’t mean that.”

My tears fell aimlessly down my face and streaked through my hair. I broke down.

“Then why would you say it?”

I knew he could here my voice break.

“I love you… do you still love me?”

I let my lungs catch up with my body and murmured, “I’m never gonna stop loving you.”

I wept into my hands. How could he say that to me? He’s the person who’s supposed to make my life better.

“Please don’t cry,” he whispered.

I wasn’t in the mood for his consolatory tone.

“Do wedding vows mean nothing to you?” I scolded.

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