Chapter 13: New For You

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Chapter 13: New For You

The boys were hungry; luckily, I knew how to cook.

Tony's parents stocked their kitchen full of food. There was mostly junk food and sugary snacks in the pantry, but I made do. I found a bag of speghetti noodles, but no sauce. However, they did have cheese, milk, and butter, so I made alfredo.

Juliet, Maria, Clara, Jill, and I hung out together in the kitchen.

"So Kamie, Juliet... is Keene a good kisser?" Jill asks us.

We look at each other. "Hell yeah." We say at the same time.

"What is it like? I mean what is he like? What's it like kissing a boy?" Clara twitters.

Her questions were coming out faster than I imagined.

"Um. Well, it's... indescribable. And he is so sweet, he's so sweet that he makes Noah from The Notebook look like a player." I beam.


By the time we finished making dinner, it was dark. We carried a pot full of the noodles on to the deck, along with silver wear, and napkins.

"Eat up." Jill says to the guys, who were picking on Keene for having such an odd name. He told them to back off because his mother had given it to him.

They all ran for the food, like a bunch of wolves. Keene's cell phone rang. "Oh, I've got to take this." He tells me. I nod, and he walks over to the railing on the deck.

"What is this stuff, Kamie?" Jay asks me.

"It's alfredo, Jay." I reply.

"Well what do you..." he picked up a noodle with his fork, "do with it?"

"You eat it. You know... eating. Something you boys were born to do." I say making an annoyed face. I glance over to Keene. He's bent over the railing, holding himself up with his hands. He turned towards me. He had his fists pressed into his temples and his eyes closed. I wasn't sure if he was mad or not.

Cautiously, I walk over to him.

"What's wrong, honey?" I ask, placing a comforting hand on his chest.

"Come here." He says, leading me inside. I still wasn't positive of his mood.

"What's the matter?" I ask again. He towed me to the couch and sat me down. "You're scaring me." I tell him.

"Relax. It's nothing about us." He says, reading my mind, "It is about me, though."

My head automatically jumped to the worse case senerio. He must be dying or something. My heart raced in my chest, but I hid my worry well.

"Please just tell me what's going on." I plead.

"Ok." He took a deep breath. "My dad..." he sucked in another breath, "he's not doing to well."

"What do you mean?" I press, starting to feel his depression.

He closes his eyes slowly, and tiredly leans backwards, lying on the couch.

"My sister, Quinna, just called me. She came home from college yesterday. My dad started talking weird, she said his speech was slurred. And, he couldn't remember my birthday, he lost his balance a few times, and he even had problems walking. So, she instisted that he gets to doctor. She took him there, and they found out..." He shut his eyes again. And took a breath, but it caught in his throat, as if he was going to cry.

"You can tell me." I assure him, comfortingly rubbing his arm. He looked into my eyes and then to the floor.

"he has a malignant brain tumor."

I had only met Keene's dad one time, but when I did, I enjoyed his company. He was actually a very nice person. He'd told me how glad he was that such a nice young girl was dating his son.

"Oh my god." I say, automatically wrapping my arms around him and holding him as tightly as I could.

He tried to fight his tears by looking at the ground. "Hey," I said softly. I put his face in my hands and brought it up to mine. "you can cry in front of me." I really didn't mind crying at all.

He stared at me for a moment, but then began to sob. The tears streamed down his face. It killed me to watch him be this sad. It was new for him to act this way, he was usually always his happy- go-lucky self, but not anymore.

I grabbed his hand. "I'm not going anywhere." I promised.

I rested my head on his chest, and kicked my legs out to the side.

After he'd calmed self down, he coddled my face, gently staring down on me. I tried to fight the sleep, but we'd been up the whole day. The sleep shut my eyes automatically.


I felt so upset, but I felt somewhat better when I looked down to see Kamie fast asleep.

She breathed in and out, in and out, and looked so peaceful while doing it.

Soon, I started to drift off, too. I felt a cold breeze over top of us, and I opened one eye to see Juliet drapping a blanket over Kamie and me. Then, I fell asleep.



My eyes fluttered open, the morning sun prying at them. Keene was still fast asleep, snoring lighlty. I found it adorable.

Being sure not to wake him up, I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket. The time read '7:10 A.M'

Carefully, I slid out of his muscular arms and onto the ground.

I pull my body up off the hardwood floor and cover him back up with the blanket that I had accidently pulled off of him in the process.

I walk down the hall and peer into my and Jill's room. She and Tony were asleep in the same bed. Juliet was asleep in my vacant bed.

Clara, Maria, and Jay left a note saying that they were going for a midnight swim. I guessed they were still out.

With nothing else to do, I carefully walked back into the living room where Keene was still snoozing away. He needed some sleep. The day we had yesterday had been just as traumatizing and tiring for me as it was for him.

I shuffle my still half asleep body to the sliding glass door that led out to the deck, and open it slowly, watching Keene's face the whole time, making sure he can't hear me.

The morning air was crisp, but thick at the same time. There was a slight breeze, but it wasn't chilling, it was just warm. The sun was just above the horizon, it made the sky have a purplish color to it, which was shaded with a bright orange color.

The lake was beautiful at this time in the morning. The water was clear blue, but the rising sun gave it a pink glow.

It was quiet. So quiet that I could hear myself think, this hadn't happened since 3rd grade, the year I met Jillian. For once I just thought. Thought about how different my life was a year ago.

My life could've just as easily ended a year ago; I wasn't as... suicidal now. Then again, what non-suicidal person tries to drown? All though, the sick part wasn't that I drowned, it was that I liked drowning. I loved it in fact. It made me feel free, open, and just... gone. Like the old me was a shell, and I was the inside, but now in a new shell. I could've burst in joyous hysterics when I came to the realization that I had felt this way for one reason... Keene. I have him, he's mine. And he will always be... mine. I prayed that I could cheer him up again. But, there was nothing I could do to change fate... or maybe there was.

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