Chapter 14: Mine

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Chapter 14: Mine

I continued staring into the sky, expecting an angel to fly out of it. Its beauty struck me; it was like staring into heaven.

“Hey,” A voice said.

I let out a scream. I didn’t even hear anyone get up.

I turned around. Keene’s smiling face greeted me.

“Jesus christ! You gave me a heart attack!” I say, placing my hand over my chest.

“Sorry.” He appologizes. I accepted it by pulling him to my side so he could look at heaven with me.

“Hey, sleepy. How are you?”  I tease.

He bites his lip. “I’ve been better.” He says. I place my hand on the small of his back.

“Do you want to go back home?” I ask.

“No,” he says, slowly shifting his wait back and forth, “if I go home, I’ll just be surrounded by all the sadness.”

“You have to go home sometime. You can’t just stay here forever.” I say, pulling reality into perspective.

“I wish I could.” He says, staring out into the lake. “I wish I could run away.”

“I know exactly how you feel.” I say, speaking from expierience.Somedays I just want to run, to run and never stop running. To feel the wind pull on my hair and my heart pump to freedom.

“You know, I’d run away with you. Maybe we could just run together, to run away and just forget everything that ever happened to us. Would you like that? To forget about all this shit?” He questions, pulling at my hand.

“We can’t just run away from our problems… even though I’d like to more than anything.” I say.

We both sat in silence, wanting to leave. We didn’t want to leave the lake… we wanted to leave life.

I thought about it for a minute.

“You know, if we could… run away,” I was starting to like this idea; “it’d just be us, no one else.”

“And we could elope. We’d live happily, with no one to breathe down our necks.” He continued.

I lay my head on his shoulder.

“You know, it seems like as soon everything gets good, it’s not long before it gets bad again. I hate how suckish everything is now.” I say.

“I know, me too.”


Night time came quicker than I’d thought. Keene and I decided it would be best not to linger on the anguish that burned our souls until tomorrow. We enjoyed a happy day with our friends. He is the best thing that’s ever been mine.

I sat on Keene’s lap outside, gently cradled against his chest.

“I love Titanic, but everytime I watch it I feel lonely.” Juliet confessed.

“I think that’s the idea.” Jill laughs, feeding Tony chocolate covered strawberries.

“Well, that’s certainly what Dirty Dancing was for.” I interject.

“I always thought they were for guys to feel bad about them selves because girls want to be with fictional men than they do real ones.” Keene says.

All of us girls laugh, they guys exchange irate looks.

“Aww. You guys know we love you.” I coo.

“Yeah,” Jill says.

“That’s right.” Maria says to Jay.

I guess I hadn’t been paying that much attention to the fact that Maria had fallen hard for Jay. I didn’t really know her that well. I had no recollection of her even telling me her last name. All I know is that she was a grade behind me and that she had a sister named Clara.

Jill and Tony start violently making out, flinging things off the tables, and trying to take off each others jackets, but were unsuccesful.

“Ow! Ow! Tony,stop!” Jill says, moving her lips away from his.

“What? What did I do?!” He says.

We all had to bite our lips to keep from bursting out laughing.

“You pulled out my earring!” She says,touching her ear, then checking to see if she bled.

I wished it lasted longer, it was much better than what was to come.

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