Chapter 48: Speed Of Sound

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                             < Link to the song inspired by this chapter. 

~~2 CHAPTERS!! Get ready....~~

Chapter 48: Speed Of Sound

I didn’t move at all; I couldn’t. My spine locked in place. My breath caught in my throat and my heart stood still with me.

“Hey, Kamie. What’s up?” The voice grew louder as the echo trickled in the room.

Anger bubbled in my veins, along with fear- hard and cold, rushing through my bloodstream. I heard the blood rushing in my ears.

I stood face to face with Satan himself.

“How’ve you been Tyler?” I spoke, my teeth gritting together with an audible snap.

He chuckled darkly, “Good. I really am happy for your marriage, just so you know,”

I wanted to believe him, but something about his glaring, twisted smirk told me otherwise.

It was a smirk I’d seen numerous times before. He liked this; he thrived on fear, like a demon.  

The scariest thing about him was how he played the darkest parts of my soul in front of my eyes, relfecting the way I felt.

It was menacing…sickining…disgusting…deminted, but very clever.

The way his green eyes sat stagnant, piercing through me, in his skull ready to snap into the point of insainity was intensifying every second.

“Thank you,” I could barely hear him over the irregular, uneven thumping in my chest.

He came a few strides closer to me.

Remember what I told you. Kick to the groin.

Dad? Why the hell is he in my head now?

As he came face to face with me, I could feel his hot breath, scolding against my cheeks.

Slowly, ever so slowly, I watched as his fist uncurled from his sides, his fingers unwinding into the air, straightening.

His hands trickled downwards. The matte grey ring on his right pointer finger brought back many repulsive memories- all of the punches- to my head.

At first I didn’t feel his abberant hands climbing down my thigh, and when I did, I flew a sharp kick to his side.

He retorted immediatley and had his palms squeezed against his ribcage.

I felt prideful over my sudden burst of lion-heartedness, but my joy was short lived.

He came right back at me with a fist to the jaw, throwing me against the hardwood.

The sharpness scratched me. I curled into a ball on the floor. The taste of copper and metal liquified my mouth. I realized what it was as soon as droplets of blood were on the floor.

Get up… for your family. For Keene, for Holden, for Chase, for Jillian, for Teddy... for me.

The sudden jolt of strength I had to push my self pulsed through me. My feet returned to the floor, but just as quickly, I was knocked back down by another fist.

I rolled over in pain and watched as he grabbed something out of his pocket.

I shut my eyes and felt my lower side feel cold, but then abruptly hot. It felt as though the nerves in my body poked through. The pain was searing, unbelievably arduous.

I cried out in agony, tumbling all over the floor, finding anyway to supress the ache. The metal of his pocket knife sliced my side without consideration or any kind of work against it. My palms became red, flooding with crimson.

For your kids.

I tried with all of the possible strength I had left to stand back up on two feet, but no matter the force of my actions I layed on the floor, unable to be anything.

I prepared myself as I watched him ball his fist up. But, my face was never struck like I thought it would be. I opened my eyes to see that everything was blurry, but Tyler’s enormous shadow wasn’t towering over me like before.

“Kamie! Oh my god!” I jerked my head to find Keene. His voice seemed far away.

I sat up, the pain literally pushing me back, but I couldn’t give up… not now. No one I loved would be safe. They were in harm right now.

I folded, getting up to my knees, but my head was thrown into the ground, bouncing onto the wood with a stomach twisting smack, sending an echo into the large room.

I stared towards Keene as my vision blurred, waves of black passing through my once clear view.

He and Tyler grabbed each other’s shoulders, punching and swinging around the air near each other’s faces.

The bright metal of the gun in Keene’s back pocket glittered in the light coming from the chandelier from the ceiling.

Fire pushed in my veins, in my wrist, up my arms, through my lower body, then into my heart, continiously pumping through out, cycling.

Every inch of my body that could be hurt was in some way was injured.

Tyler sent a shockwave of blows into Keene, but Keene- the fighter that he is- ricocheted the hits right back. I watched, barely seeing anything, the gun tumble out onto the floor.

Kamie, this is it… this is the chance.

I pulled myself with my arms over to the shining on the floor.

The fire pulsed harder.

I looked behind me as a trail of red followed my every move. My stomach was barely strong enough to stand the sight. The blood, oh god. I painfully turned my head back to the gun.

My arm grabbed for the floor, and I scooted against the cold, hard wood.

Only a few more steps.

This was miserable. My eyes began shutting, and  the flicker to fight dimmed.

A swirl of emotions clouded my judgement.

All of the things people had said to me….

“Don’t be sad, Momma,”  Holden.

“I love you, Momma,”  Chase.

“You better come back, alright?” Jillian.

“I’m thinking about kissing you,” Teddy.

You and me, together. Everyday. Forever,” Keene.


Everyone is counting on you. This is your fight. You fight for it, and don’t stop.

My eyes popped open and I inched once more to the gun, and wrapped my fingers around it.

I thought about the people I loved again and I found my way to my feet.

The blood from my side and back of my head drizzled down my back, but I wasn’t down. I was ending this… now.

I steadied myself with a deep breath.

For all the ones I love, for them.

“Before you embark of on a journey of revenge, you better dig two graves.”- Confucious

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