Chapter 49: Superman Tonight

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Chapter 49: Superman Tonight

While I thought that I was learning how to live, I have been learning how to die.

~Leonardo da Vinci

Theese violent delights have violent ends and in their triumph die, like fire  and powder, which as they kiss, consume.

~Romeo and Juliet, Act II, Scene VI

The cold metal mended in my hand like it was fit for me.

Both Keene and Tyler’s eyes widened when they saw what I was doing. Everything was fine until Tyler was mimicking my stature, a gun also in his hand.


I watched in silence as their guns pointed directly at each other, like a mirror.

I wasn’t sure what happened as the loud sound of the firing exploded in the room.

I looked to the place Tyler was standing, and saw nothing. No one. There was nothing in his place. I looked down on the floor and saw him laying there, a bleeding spot on his chest. Gone. He was gone, the pain and worry was over. There was no more fighting.

Dead… he, along with our problems, were gone. I felt like I could explode into the sky.

I ran to Kamie, hugging her and kissing her.

We locked eyes as I mirrored her smile. But, then her beaming gleam turned into a glower.

Her eyebrows creased her forehead and I felt my face pull down into a questioning expression.

What could we be worrying about now?

I followed her gaze down to her chest.

She fell back immediatley as I cradled her to the floor.

My eyes had to be lying to me, this was impossible. I watched everything… I hadn’t missed any details.

Not one thing happened. No.

Kamie didn’t get shot. No! No! Oh, god! This didn’t happen!


It wasn’t so much the pain, but the shock, the surprise of almost anticipating. Feeling the hot, wet pain in my chest, the hole the bullet made. It wasn’t what I expected. I had thought there would be more pain. I  looked dully into the air, not knowing what was coming next, but knowing it was the end.

The metal fragments, spiraling through the air, pierced my chest and torso without consideration, without real meaning or relevance, and with more speed than the fastest of any living thing.

I wasn’t afraid of death, never. I’d died for the things that I valued; I freely gave my life. This was justice, this was freedom.


I layed my hand over the blood, it oozed through my fingers. I didn’t care.

I let her head rest on my lap.

“Keene?” She murmured.

I felt the tears line my eyes.

“Yes, beautiful?” I asked.

Her breathing sputtered, but she was still alert.

“I love you,”

I couldn’t help but let the tears drip down my face, “I love you, too… more than myself,”

She started crying too.

I squeezed her hand in my palm and she weakly grabbed mine.

Her heart was barely beating, very faintly, under my fingers and was slowing.

She laughed a breathy laugh, “It’s funny…my…d-dad… he… died getting…shot and now… I…I …am too,”

I started bawling. I’d never actually pictured losing her because I never let my mind drift there and now that it was happening in front of me, it was unimaginable.

I couldn’t control the words flowing out of my mouth, “I’ve never loved anything more than I will always love you. I love you… unconditionally, always, and irrevocably, Kamille. You’ve changed my life in the best way possible.”

Goodbye my lover…. You have been the one for me. I’ve seen you cry and smile and I’ve watched you sleep… and I’ll never be able to live without you.

I felt so hollow… so light. There was nothing to hold me to the earth anymore.

She squeezed my hand; the tears streamed down her face as she breathed, “Forever and always,”

I pressed my forehead to her’s, “Forever,” I whimpered as I spoke, my voice cracking.

I never thought we’d have a last kiss.

Our lips melted together and moved in sync.

I kissed her jaw, her neck, her chest, and her shoulder. Then I returned my forehead against her’s and layed there.

Hell was going on inside my head.

“My name is Kamille, but everyone calls me Kamie,” 

“You know what, I’m sorry, but I just don’t get it. You tried to kiss me in there!”

“I like you; a lot, okay?! But apparently you couldn’t give less of a damn! And, I don’t care what you think of me, but, I don’t just like you… I love you. I …love… you, and I guess that isn’t a very big deal to you. This may be a lot for you, but I can’t sleep… I can’t eat… I can’t… breathe without you.”

“I will never stop loving you.”

“I’m gonna spend my whole life proving how much I love you, keeping you as happy as possible everyday… forever.”

Everything she’d said, the way her blue eyes sparkled when she spoke about something she loved, her brilliant smile, and her heart.

I pressed my lips to her’s once more.

I watched harshly as she closed her eyes.

“Forever,” I muttered under the lament.

Sometimes, when one person is missing, the world word seems depopulated. ~Lamartine

I don’t know why they call it heartbreak. It feels like every part of my body is broken too.

~Missy Altjid 

A/N: I promise it will be okay! Last chap posted tomorrow! :(

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