Chapter 22: She Will Be Loved

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 Chapter 22- She Will Be Loved

“Kamie! Come on, we’re gonna be late!” Keene shouts. I wasn’t finished getting dressed yet.

Again, I’ll state that I am not like most girls. Most girls would be super excited for a night like this, not me.

Prom: a fantasy for most females in high school. I would’ve been excited for it, except the fact that this was something dad was looking forward to from the day I was born.

The thickness of my dress made it even harder to walk in, I loved it though. The way the light glittered off of the black silk made my jaw drop. My hair was curled, and I was wearing red lipstick.

This had better be worth it.

My red heels peaked out of the trim at the bottom of my dress. After a few steps, I can see Keene.

Finally building up the courage,  I look at him, staring into his beautiful brown eyes.

“Whatdaya think?” I ask with a pose.

After a minute of pure staring, he finally responds. A smile emerges from his stunning lips.

“I…I think you’re the most… beautiful girl… I’ve ever… seen.”

I walk forward, unable to do anything but stare at him. His simple black dress pants and dress shirt with a red tie complimented his tan skin well.

I reach his muscular body. He extends his arms and wraps them around me tightly. I hug him back and feel his biceps tighten around my waist.

He leans in and kisses my neck. “Don’t worry, I’m right here.” He whispers.

The truth in his voice made me stop.

My heart’s unsteady, unrhythmical beat rang in my ears.

 I smile at him, considering that was all I was able to do.

He looks at me with those gorgeous brown eyes.

“Ready?” He asks, already a few steps in front of me, pulling me to the door.

“Yeah.” I bite my lip.


Music was blaring out of the speakers set up in the four corners of the school’s gym.

Pink, green, blue, and yellow lights strobbed everywhere.

“Wanna dance?” Keene asks, leaning up beside me.

“Uh…” I say, thinking.

Dad is dead. Why must my brain torture me like this?

“In a second.”

He looks at me confusedly.

“Are you okay?”

No. “Yes.”

“Are you sure?”

No. “Yeah.”


No, I’m literally wanting to die right now… just die! Can you not see that? Have you no eyes?

“Promise.” I decietfully assure him.

“Kamie?” He asks suspiciously, stopping in his tracks, pulling me to face him.

I nod, mindlessly staring at his beautiful face.

“You wanna leave?”

“Very much.” I say, smiling. That statement was actually truthful.

We walk out to the school’s rose garden which was decorated with lights and candles.

“You’re not acting like yourself. What’s wrong?”


I let out a long sigh.

“I’m having an amazing time, but I mean it’s just… my dad would have so loved this. And you know, you’re standing there wth your gorgeous brown eyes and your amazing smile… and here I am being… me. I’m literally an idio-”

I’m suddenly interupted by Keene’s hands on my face. He stares at me with his amazing eyes and tilts his head, he leans in and his lips move with mine. His kisses were so gentle and he was so passionate. He pulls away.

“You’re so beautiful.” He breathes.

I was to blind sided to respond.

Keene saw my disorientation. He smiles at the ground. His hands were wrapped tightly around my arms. I finally awaken and smile.

“You are amazing.” I say before moving back in to kiss him again.

He takes a step back and offers me a hand. “May I have the privilage of dancing with you?”

“You may.” I smile.

He kisses my hand. He pulls me back into his arms and moves gently with me; swaying back and forth. My arms wrapped around his neck, his around my waist.

We danced to what was decidedly our song- Take My Breath Away by Berlin- until no one else was there.

But, things suddenly got bad once more

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