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⇢ ˗ˏˋ CHAPTER FIVE ࿐ྂ"Adventures In The Marsh

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"Adventures In The Marsh."

THEA was familiar with waking up in John B's place, but what she wasn't familiar with was waking up to Sheriff Peterkin banging on his front door. She rubbed her eyes subconsciously as she walked to the front door, slowly opening the door and peeking her head out of the door. Her eyes were wide as she looked up at the woman, with her dark eyes, tall frame and police uniform.

"Sheriff Peterkin, how can I help you?"

"Where's John Routledge?" She questioned, pushing the door wider and brushing past the blonde girl who stood there with her hands clasped infront of her. "He home?"

"Uh, yeah but he's sleeping." She said nervously, chewing on her lower lip.

Peterkin gave her blank look, "Wake him up, then. I don't have all day. And while you're at it, wake up your other friends and tell them to leave. I need to speak to him alone."

Thea gulped as she nodded. "Yes, ma'am." She looked down and made her to the couch bed where Kie was sleeping and shook the girl on the mattress. "Kie, you gotta get up. Come on."

The curly haired girl groaned, flipping onto her back as she fluttered her warm brown eyes open. "What's going on?"

"Peterkin needs to speak to John B and she wants us to leave, we have to wake the others."

"Oh shit." Kie muttered, leaning up on her elbows to see the sheriff. "Uh, hi, Sheriff Peterkin."

"Hello, Kiara." The woman said, observing the photos on John B's front room wall, the once with his parents and missing Uncle T. "Hurry up, now."

The two girls quickly got up from the bed and Thea shoved her feet into her shoes, then she and Kie walked down the foyer, she went to the room where JJ and Pope were sleeping while Kie went to John B. After waking up the two boys, she made sure that the blonde boy hid the gun in his bag well before leaving the room.

The last thing they needed was for him to get caught with that thing.

Kie soon walked out of the foyer with a sleepy looking John B and the group of friends bid him goodbye, before she headed out she left a kiss on the boy's cheek and wished him good luck. As she walked out of the front door, she truly felt he would need it whilst he was alone with Sheriff Peterkin.

She just hoped he wouldn't be taken away.

After walking home she unlocked the door to her house and kicked the door closed behind her, as she walked into the front room she felt the heat of her house from the air conditioning being out. She fanned herself with her hand as she walked down the hallway to her room. She could already feel her skin becoming clammy with sweat as she dropped her backpack to her bed.

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