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CHAPTER FOURTEEN ( brunette's have more fun )

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( brunette's have more fun )

THE next day rolled around, and Thea woke up feeling like she needed a change. She got out of bed and grabbed her backpack from the floor, then she walked out of the room and headed to the bathroom. She turned on the shower and stripped out of her clothes while she waited for the water to get warm, then she hopped in the shower and began to wash her hair.

When she scrubbed and scratched through her blonde strands, she rinsed out all the suds from the shampoo and the conditioner that John B had, and then she got started on washing her body.

When she finished she walked out of the bathtub and turned off the water, it was only when she was stood infront of the mirror with a towel wrapped around her, and her damp hair dripping on the floor that she realized what that change was.

She needed a new look, blonde was just not doing it for her anymore.

She pulled on a red and black plaid cropped top, and some black high waisted shorts, then she styled her hair into two pigtails that rested on her shoulders. After that, she quickly brushed her teeth and scrubbed them clean before spitting out the foam in the sink when she was done.

She rolled on deodorant, spritzed herself with bare vanilla perfume, and started rubbing her arms and legs with sunscreen before grabbing her bag and making her way back to John B's room.

She placed her bag down and walked over to the bed, she leans down over the duvet and climbs ontop of JJ's sleeping frame. She folds her arms on his back, and propped her chin on them as she waited for him to awake.

He begins to stir in his sleep, a small grunt falling from his lips as he realizes she's laid up on his back. "Well, good morning, shortcake."

She smiles softly, "Morning, Jay. How'd you sleep?"

He sighs softly, turning his head to look over his shoulder at her. "Pretty good, until you clinged onto me like a spider-monkey."

She rolls her eyes, "Shut up, you love when I do this."

"Yeah, because then I can do this." His back lifts up like he's doing a pushup and he quickly rolls over, a sharp and surprised squeal escapes her lips as he flips her onto her back. Their gazes lock as she stares up at him, green meeting blue. "Yeah, this is much better." His eyes trail down her frame, giving her a onceover. "You look beautiful, by the way."

Her pale as snow skin flushes crimson, to this day his words still have such an effect on her. "Thanks." She reaches up and runs her fingers through his mussed hair, "I was actually wondering if you would go somewhere with me this morning."

JJ drops down to his side, his arm snaking around her waist. "You know I'd go anywhere with you." He raised his brows in question, "What were you thinking?"

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