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CHAPTER TEN( it's coming down )

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( it's coming down )

The next morning came and the Pogues at the chateau were rushing out of the home as soon as they heard the boat make their way back to the dock. Since they had no way to leave without being caught with John B last night, they took their chances and decided to wait until Pope and Kie had made their way back. As they made their way to the Pogue, John B helping Sarah who was limping from her still healing bullet wound that Thea had redressed for her, Kie and Pope were just getting off the boat.

"Hey! Guys!" JJ called to them, "Don't tie up. Stop it!"

"What?" Kie questioned him.

"We're dipping." JJ answered her.

"Yeah, we gotta get out of here." Thea told them, running down the dock after JJ.

"Wait why?" Pope asked him.

Kie's brows knit in confusion, "What? What are you talking about?"

John B came down with Sarah's arm slung aroud his shoulder, "What happened last night?"

"We slept on the break." Pope replied,  his brows furrowed. "What's up?"

JJ scoffed, "Slept, right. Yeah." He pats Pope's shoulder as he walked past and climbed on the boat. He turns back to Thea, holding his hand out to her. "All aboard, shortcake."

"Thanks." She murmured, taking his hand and hopping onto the boat. "We didn't get any sleep. We were waiting for you guys."

"We gotta get the hell outta here." John B stated in warning.

"Rafe knows we're here, so we have to leave, like, now." Sarah informed the two of them.

"Okay." Kie nodded, pulling the rope from the dock where she had begun to tie it before.

Once Sarah is safely on the boat, Kie, Pope and John B climb on as well. JJ quickly starts up the Pogue and soon they're making a quick and speedy escape, leaving the chateau behind them before Rafe comes back and tells someone that they had been there. That night was supposed to be their one night of freedom, and while they did have a carefree couple hours, she knew that reality eventually would hit them.

She just didn't think it would be in the form of Rafe fucking Cameron nearly blowing her boyfriend's brains out while they hid in a tree from both him and Barry.

And now, they were back on the run, right where they started.

Kie was airing out her frustrations as they were sitting around in a clearing, it was just far enough from the chateau for them to not be found by the police if Rafe had called and exposed them. "Look, if Rafe and Barry know, it's only a matter of time."

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