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CHAPTER TWELVE ( adventures in the pharmacy )

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( adventures in the pharmacy )

        AFTER her talk with JJ before he left, and her sudden revelation of being in love with him, she went and made her way back to the chateau. When she got there she noticed that Kie was gone, Sarah had left too, and Pope was all on his own. Her lips curved downwards as she walked over to her mocha skinned best friend, she takes a seat on the arm of the chair that he was sitting in.

She nudged him lightly, and he looked up at her, a small smile gracing his lips. "Hey, T."

"Hey, Heyward. You wanna hang out today? Just you and me? Been awhile since we did that, don't you think?"

Pope smiles, "Yeah, sure, let's hang out." A thoughtful look crosses his features as his smile falls slightly, "I was actually thinking of going to ask my dad about something that psycho Ms. Limbrey had asked me about. You remember that key she tried to get from me? The key that I didn't know about?" Thea nods her head, "Well, I thought that maybe my dad would know something about it."

Thea grins, nodding her head. "Okay, then. Let's take a visit and see papa Heyward." She rose to her feet and grabs his hands and pulls at them, "Come on, chop chop."

Pope groans as he allows her to pull him to his feet, "Please don't call my dad papa Heyward."

Thea drags him off the porch and out of the screen door of the chateau, "Too late, it's a thing now."

Since neither of them had any means of transportation— thanks to Kie leaving them stranded at the chateau to apparently go and talk to her parents about getting John B a lawyer, she and Pope had to take the Pogue to Heyward's oyster shop.

As Pope steered the boat as it sailed through the marsh, Thea was sitting in the back of the boat with burning  question in the back of her mind. She tried to bite her tongue about it, but she felt like she just really needed to know, and this may have been the best of all times to even ask Pope about the certain topic.

"Pope, are you and Kie okay?" He doesn't answer, it's completely silent for about 5 seconds, and that tells her all that she needs to know. "There is something, isn't there?" She asked him softly, getting up from her seat in the back and walking over to him. "It's okay, Pope. You can tell me, I won't relay anything back to her, I promise."

After a moment or two, Pope's shoulders sag, and so does any resolve that he once had as a sigh falls from his lips. "Things have been... weird ever since that night."

Thea nods slowly, "The night you guys... slept together."

"Yeah, that." He nods at her words, continuing what he was saying before. "That morning after it happened, she was just... off. Like, she was awkward and she didn't know what to say. Which is fine because you know, sex is weird and kind of uncomfortable, especially after the fact but... she's... distant with me. Cold, even." He ducks his head down, his words fall flat. "I just... I don't even know if she likes me anymore, you know?"

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