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◤CHAPTER ELEVEN◥"No Pogue-on-Pogue Macking

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"No Pogue-on-Pogue Macking."

THEA had been a ball of nerves all day since what happened earlier, she couldn't believe Pope almost got arrested, but she also couldn't believe that JJ took the fall for him. Only... that wasn't true. She could believe it, because she knew him. JJ may have been a trouble maker, and even a bit of delinquent, but at the end of the day he was nothing if not a ride or die best friend.

She wished she could go and speak to him, but to be quite honest she was worried about running into his father. So instead she decided to go and check on another one of her best friends, keeping in mind that tonight was the Midsummers celebration and that she would see JJ anyway since he would work the party that night.

After taking a quick shower she searched in her closet for something that would be somewhat acceptable for midsummers, but also still her style. She ended up finding a long white dress she could wear, and then she grabbed her leather jacket to go with it. She folded up the two articles of clothing and shoved them into her bigger backpack for her boots she was gonna wear, then she pulled on her outfit consisting of denim cargo shorts, a black cropped hoodie and her converse. Then she headed out of her room and made her way to her garage door with her backpack hanging off her shoulder.

She grabbed her skateboard from her garage and headed down the sidewalk to John B's chateau. Once she got to the grass she held her board under arm and walked through the boy's backyard. As she was making her trek she noticed that there was a car parked nearby his place, she furrowed her brows as she tried to get a closer look but suddenly she felt hands on her shoulders from behind.

Having no idea who it was, she made no hesitation to elbow the person in the stomach behind her, then she spun on her heel to punch them. But once she could see who it was a gasp escaped her parted lips.

"Holy shit, JJ?!"

"Shhh!" The blonde boy hissed at her, covering her mouth with his hand. "They're watching us, look." He said, pointing to the car nearby that was parked and obviously had someone sitting inside of it.

She frowned as he dropped his hand from her lips, "Who is that?" She whispered.

"Probably Shoupe, keeping an eye on us since he let me out." He responded as the both of them kept themselves low to the ground. "I bet the Kooks put him up to it. He's such an ass kisser when it comes to them." He explained to her, complaining about the officer.

But Thea wasn't listening, because all she could pay attention to was the boy's face. His olive skin was covered in fresh contusions as well as cuts, he even had a split lip that was just beginning to heal itself.

"Oh, my god, JJ." She murmured to herself, gently cupping his face and frowning deeply at the damage done on his face from his father. "What did he do to you?"

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