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◤CHAPTER TEN◥"How To End A Kook Fight

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"How To End A Kook Fight."

THEA remembered a saying as she stood on the back of the boat, the storm had kicked off around herself and her friends, the winds harshly blowing her long blonde hair into her face. The saying went, if you expect disappointment, then you can never really get disappointed. She pretty much lived by the saying her whole life, but just this once... she made the mistake of actually having hope about this, about the Royal Merchant.

And when she heard John B say that they didn't find anything, that there was no treasure on the Merchant, she couldn't help but feel absolutely gutted by the news.

Not just for herself, but for her friends who had hope in it too. But mostly, for John B.

This was the last thing that his father had left for him, whether he was dead or not, she knew her best friend felt he had to do this and find something to honor his father and make him proud.

She could see it in his eyes, he didn't have to say a word. The pain and the disappointment was all too clear in his hazel irises, and all she could think of in a way to make him feel better... was giving him a hug. So she rushed over and threw her arms around the boy's abdomen from behind, she leaned her head on his shoulder as he loosely held onto her hand.

All she could do was hope that her hug was enough, that it made him feel even a tiny bit better.

Eventually John B told them he was gonna drop them all off at docks near their homes, so when Thea's house was approached she kissed the boy's cheek and headed off of the boat to walk to her house. Once she got to her front door she unlocked it with the key she had on her necklace, then she walked inside and closed the door behind her.

Since she had no other plans that day, she decided to to head to the market, she was starving and she had no fresh food, she just needed something to fill her up till dinner. After grabbing her wallet she walked into the garage and got her skateboard, then she pulled up the hood of her cropped sweater over her blonde head of hair and skated down the sidewalk as her garage went down behind her.

She didn't care if it was raining, she was starving and she needed food so she skated through the island as the rain poured down and she held her board under her arm as she walked into Heyward's store. The blonde girl pulled her hood down and gave Heyward a small smile as she walked over to the counter that he was standing behind.

"Thea, how can I help you?" Heyward asked her.

"I'm starving and need something quick to eat. Can you make me sandwich or something?" She pulls out her wallet and places ten one dollar bills on the counter.

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