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CHAPTER SEVENTEEN( retail therapy )

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( retail therapy )

After leaving the drug dealer Barry's place, John B drove Thea and the others to The Wreck. Since it was closed for the day, she and Kie went to the back and got the boys, Sarah, and themselves some drinks. They were all sitting at the table near the window, the events of an hour ago playing through all of their minds.

Thea had her legs pulled to her chest in her chair, a sketch pencil in her hand and her sketpad infront of her as she attempted to get her mind off of the cerulean eyed blonde boy. But her efforts were for naught, the proof being that she was drawing his facial features again. It really was becoming a habit, even when she was trying not to think about JJ, she was still thinking about JJ.

And her sketches always showed it.

She let out a groan and ripped out her sketchpage, John B noticed her frustrations as she balled up the wad of paper and tossed it behind her shoulder. "T, you good?" He asked her, raising his brows in concern.

She released a heavy sigh, placing her sketchbook on the table.

It's not like she can just tell John B that she was worried about JJ and missed the ocean eyed, blonde, thrill seeker like crazy. That she wanted to hug him so tight and never let go. That she wanted him to talk to her and just let her know how he's really feeling inside. That she wants him to be open and vulnerable like he said he only could do with her.

And she most definitely could not tell him that she was so conflicted because she didn't want to let her friends down and break the rules, but at the same time her heart was practically aching because her feelings for JJ fucking Maybank were actually eating her alive.

Nope. She couldn't tell him any of that. So instead, she simply said...

"Yep." She drops her chin on her arms that were resting on her knees, "I'm just peachy."

John B pursed his lips, knowing she was lying. He knew her too well. "You can say you're worried about him. We all are."

"Okay." She nibbled at her lower lip, "I'm worried about him."

"Look, he'll come around, all right?" He spoke, talking to everyone, not just her. "It's... he's doing a JJ thing."

"You think he'll go home?" Kie asked, her tone void of any emotion.

"If his dad's there, I sincerely hope not." She mumbled aloud.

"Wait, what does that mean?" Kie asked, glancing her way.

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