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◤CHAPTER FOURTEEN◥"A Good Night's Surf

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"A Good Night's Surf."

THEA was on bed rest, after the whole showdown with Kie and Sarah the group had taken a momentary pause on the treasure hunt. And when she told her mom during her full time shift that same day that they weren't doing anything, she immediately told her to go home and demanded that she rest up since she wasn't gonna be out of the house anytime soon.

And well, Thea wasn't gonna say no to a good nap and some honey and lemon tea.

So the rest of that day was spent by sketching her beside table with her cup on tea on it, drinking said tea from The Wreck that her mom made her, and then napping until around 8pm according to the watch on her wrist. As she slowly awoke she heard the voice of her mom from the kitchen down the hallway, as she announced that she brought food and tylenol, the blonde girl was up on her feet and rushing down the hallway.

Sure there were such remedies like tea and ice to help her soar throat, but tylenol? Yeah, that helped pain relief for hours. How her mom got that? She didn't know, nor was she gonna ask.

"Tylenol?" She asked, her voice hoarse and her eyes wide.

Melanie smiled, holding up a CVS bag. "Next time you see Anna, thank her. She offered to go to CVS and get some tylenol for you in Figure Eight."

Thea beamed as she grabbed the bag from her mom and pulled out the bottle of medicine. "Ugh, thank you, Anna."

Melanie chuckles as she pulls out boxes of yummy smelling food from the plastic bags with the name "The Wreck" on them. "Take one of those, and then another one tomorrow, okay?" Thea nodded as she opened up the bottle and took one pill and popped it past her lips as her mom handed her a styrofoam cup with a straw in it. "It's Coke. Thought you might be sick of tea."

Thea took a moment to take a sip and swallow the pill, "You'd be right, I was."

"So, how's your treasure hunt going?" Her mom asked, pushing her box of food towards her that she found out was chicken tenders and French fries.

Yes, she told her mom that they're doing a treasure hunt, but she's not entirely sure that she believes her when she says it. She'll definitely believe her when she brings home her cut of the $400 million.

"It's okay, we're taking a break right now because John B fell for Sarah Cameron and Kie is completely against her helping us."

"Oh, Sarah Cameron, huh?" Melanie hummed, "She anything like her brother?"

Thea shrugged as she walked over to the cabinet to grab a bottle of ketchup, "Not sure, I don't know her." She shook the bottle as she walks over to her stool and sits down at the bar counter. "I mean, all I know is Kie hates her and John B is her boyfriend apparently."

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