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CHAPTER TWENTY ( angry wasps nest )

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( angry wasps nest )

AFTER Thea helps JJ get his dad on a boat to escape being caught by the police, they hop into her mom's car and they make their journey back to the woods where their friends are waiting. The whole ride back she tells him about what his dad told her, and he apologizes for what he said, and she laughs when he tells her that he's glad that she punched him in the nose. He also said that he deserved worse, to which she agreed vehemently.

When they made it back to their friends, she cringed when she saw that Twinkie was indeed nearly submerged, they had definitely been gone for way too long. Shit. She honks the horn a few times as she back up, then she pulls the keys from the ignition and unbuckles her seatbelt.

She and JJ climb out of the car, and she can already hear Pope's clearly irritated voice.

"I know you're angry, but we can explain." She says, walking over to her friends as JJ opens the trunk to get the winch out.

"Yeah you better explain." Kie snaps, sitting ontop of the nearly submerged Twinkie.

"Where the hell were you guys?" Pope questioned, frustratedly.

"Last minute parental bullshit." Thea answered, her gaze moving to JJ.

"Luke was at the chateau." JJ tells the group, pulling out the winch.

"Oh, great!" Pope huffs, "While you were having family time with your pops, John B got bit by a gator."

Thea's eyes grew, her head whips to the mocha toned boy. "He what?"

JJ's eyes widened, "Wait, for real?"

"Does it look like we're joking?" Sarah shot back, gesturing to John B's leg that's clearly been chomped into and is gushing crimson. Some of it even staining the top of the Twinkie.

"Jay!" She turns to the blonde boy, "You said there were no gators out here!"

"You were freaked out, I was just trying to calm you down!" JJ defends himself.

She whimpers fearfully and turns to her friends, "What the hell happened?"

"What happened?" John B asked rhetorically.

"I got bit by a gator!" "He got bit by a gator!" Pope and John B screamed at once.

The next couple seconds is nothing short of chaotic, Thea is apologizing for not being here, Kie is screaming at her and JJ for stopping to help Luke, John B and Pope are yelling about them being an hour late, and Sarah keeps talking about John B's gator bite.

And suddenly, "Shut up!" JJ shouts at all of them, stunning every one of them into silence. "I mean, seriously, guys. I can't take it anymore, all right? Everyone just cut it out for a second." He laughs to himself briefly, leaning back on the closest tree to his left. "Look, I just helped my dad leave this island for good. Like, he's not ever coming back. He's straight up like the Spanish. Just, 'Bon voyage.'"

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