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CHAPTER NINTEEN( good fucking riddance )

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( good fucking riddance )

       IN the midst of all their excitement about finding the cross and knowing where it is, Thea completely forgot that the tide was still coming in on the road on their way back to the church. As they pulled up to the same place, the water on the ground had raised a couple inches above the ground, she couldn't even see the road beneath it. If she barely had faith the first time they drove through it, then she definitely had none this time around.

They were gonna slide, without a doubt.

"Ah, crap! The tide." John B observed, easing on the accelerator as they approach. 

"Oh, this doesn't look good." Pope mentioned, warily.

"How deep is that?" Kie questioned.

"I dunno." Pope shakes his head, "The road's gone."

"Too deep to drive through it, that's for sure." Thea comments, looking out the window at the murky depths below.

John B steps on the brake, and the Twinkie makes a steady halt. "Tide rose faster than I thought it would." JJ stated.

"Just a little bit." John B murmured.

"Uh, John B how high are the spark plugs?" JJ asked him.

"They're good. We're fine." John B assures, avoiding his question.

"No, how high are they?" Pope repeated, grilling him for an answer.

"Oh, um..." His voice trails as he leans out his window to check, "Uh, just above the taillight."

"Okay, so that's, what, three feet?" Pope assumed, not sounding sure.

JJ nods, "That's three feet. Yeah."

Thea's eyes widen, "Three feet? Holy shit."

"That water can't be three feet deep." Kie expressed, her features washed in shock.

"So, then, what's the problem?" John B questioned.

JJ shakes his head "Not a problem. No, we're good." He faces forward in his seat, "We're good. She'll make it."

"Will she?" Thea's brows raised skeptically, "I think we got lucky last time, guys."

"No, JJ's right." John B nods to himself, "We got this. Fasten your seatbelts. Hold on to something. We're going into hyperdrive."

Thea groans miserably, but nonetheless she turns in her seat in the middle of Kie and Sarah and holds onto the back of it, "Just so you know, If I die, I'm haunting the fuck out of you, John B."

"I'll say a quick prayer." JJ utters, doing a cross motion with his hands.

"Three, two, one." John B steps on the gas and the van doesn't move, but everyone inside can feel the wheel trying to push past the muddy ground.

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