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◤CHAPTER TWELVE◥"Rafe's A Fucking Psycho

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"Rafe's A Fucking Psycho."

THEA and the boys made it to the celebration after a long walk from the shore. Once they arrived she bid the two boys goodbye and went searching for Kie, she weaved through all guests and rich people swarming the party and eventually she found her best friend. Her curly haired was pinned up with flowers decorating the dark brown ringlets, and she was wearing a pastel purple silk material dress that stopped around her ankles.

Thea grinned before cupping her hands around her lips, "Looking good, Kiara Carrera!"

Kie turned to her and smiled big, "Right back at ya, Theadosia Copeland!" The blonde girl giggled before she ran towards Kie and threw her arms around her, and after a moment of the two girls embracing they released each other. "I'm so glad you came!"

"Well, you invited me so I obviously wasn't gonna say no, dumbass. Plus I mean," She takes a look around, "Free champagne and food? Sign me up." Her stomach growls at the thought of food, "Speaking of, I haven't eaten all day so I'm gonna go and snack on something."

"Okay, your mom is working the food tables so go and see her." Kie said, "She wants to see what you wore."

Thea nods, "Will do, see ya in a bit."

The blonde girl leaves Kie and heads for the refreshments table. Once she gets there she finds her mom dressed in jeans, a white crisp button up and a vest with bowtie, similar to JJ's outfit since they were both working for the Midsummer celebration that night. Her mom got this gig because Kie's parents were close with her and had always offered her opportunities to make sure she had enough to take care of herself and Thea. They were the nicest rich folks that she knew on the island.

"Hi, mom." Thea says, smiling at her mother as she grabs herself a plate.

"Hi, sweetheart." Melanie says, then she noticed her outfit. "You look amazing, honey. You wearing heels with that?"

Thea scoffed as her mom filled her plate with fried shrimp, catfish and some French fries. "No, never. I'm wearing my boots, you know the ones that almost reach my knees?"

"Of course, they're my favorites." Melanie replied, handing her daughter her plate. "So, you see how JJ looks tonight? He looks good, huh?"

Thea rolls her eyes, "Mom, please. Not tonight."

Melanie laughs, "I'm just messing with you, honey, you know that."

"Yeah, well stop it."

Melanie grinned, "All right, I'm done."

"Thank you." She said, popping a fried shrimp past her lips.

"But I know you think he looks good, your cheeks turned red when I asked you, my love." Her moms said, Thea suddenly choked on the shrimp she had swallowed, her mother's reply taking her completely by surprise.

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