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CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR( long awaited love declaration )

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( long awaited love declaration )

THE ship had gone too far out into the ocean while they were trapped inside of the cargo, so they had no clue which direction to go to head back home. The only choice they had was to set sail in a direction that was closest, which happened to be a small island in the middle of nowhere.

The location wasn't the worst place they could've ended up, actually, it was pretty nice. There were palm trees swaying, with coconuts in them. A couple boulders, and some mis-shaped rocks along the shallow end of the water where the waves crashed, and the light brown sand was soft on her bare feet.

So, really she couldn't find it in herself to complain.

She and the girls were sat on ground, watching as the boys dragged the lifeboat from the water to the shore, because the last thing they needed was for their only means of transportation to float off and leave them stranded there.

"Good job, guys." Sarah complimented them.

"Good job." Kie added.

Thea goes to say something, but then she noticed JJ's frame slightly swaying in one direction. She frowned as she stood up, making her way over to him. "Hey, you okay?" She asked him, her hand lightly holding his arm to steady him.

"JJ, you all right there, buddy?" John B questioned, his tone laced with concern.

JJ nods, shaking his head. "Yeah." He answered, "Still a little dizzy."

"Okay, well, maybe no more heavy lifting for you." Thea suggested, "Atleast until we know that your head is fine."

"Copy that, shortcake." JJ murmured, shaking off the dizziness. "Okay, anybody know where we're at?"

"Deserted beach." Pope deadpanned, "Unknown island."

"All right, I'll take that as a no." JJ responds, running his fingers through his hair. "Plan A, huh, Pope? That went well."

Thea rolled her eyes, sitting back down in the sand. "Give him a break, Jay."

"This is the lowest we can go." Pope stated, shaking his head in utmost disbelief. "We literally have nothing else to lose. The cross, gone."

"The gold, gone." Sarah uttered.

"Seriously, if we had a nickel for every time we got beat up, I'd say we're at a dollar fifty." JJ informed them.

"That's more than I got on me." Kie muttered.

"That somehow doesn't make me feel better." Sarah remarks.

Suddenly, a thought dawns on her and a groan falls from her lips as she drops her head into her hands. "Shit, guys. I left my bag on the ship." The heels of her palms dig into her eyes as she grows more frustrated, "I left the EpiPen for Pope, my wallet, my phone." Her head shoots up, "God! My mom is gonna kill me."

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