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CHAPTER ONE ( message from beyond the grave )

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( message from beyond the grave )

It was Thea's first day back at school after her week long suspension. She had woken up to a text message from the Pogues group chat, she was given a 30 minute heads up from Pope, he and the others would be rolling up to her house and picking her up soon. At that message, she quickly got up from her bed and hopped into the shower. Then once she was nice and clean with minty breath and a towel around her frame and another one holding her hair up, she walked back into her room and went through her closet.

She picked a good outfit to wear, a navy blue muscle tee that she was certain was one of JJ's, her black ripped skinny jeans, and she snatched up a sports bra and some random boxer shorts. After pulling on the articles of clothing, she rolled on deodorant under her arms and spritzed herself with Bare Vanilla Victoria Secret perfume. Then she pulled the towel from her blonde head of hair, and raked her fingers through the golden locks.

She walked back into the bathroom with her phone playing Sleeping With Siren's Empire To Ashes, she combed out her now semi-dry hair and pulled it into a low ponytail that fell down her back like a water fountain. She left a few strands of hair in her face like side bangs, then she flicked off the bathroom light and made her way back into her bedroom. She slipped her mitch-match socked feet into her  checkered VANS, and grabbed her backpack that sat in her desk chair, just waiting for her to snatch up.

She had the bag hanging off her shoulder as she placed her Beats headphones she got off of eBay over her ears, then she walked into the kitchen and opened the cabinet, grabbing a brown sugar cinnamon poptart and pulling out a bottle of apple juice from the fridge. As she got her items her music paused and she heard her ringtone playing, Gravity Falls theme song flooding her ears as JJ called her, letting her know that they were outside of her house.

She quickly sent him a text saying she was on her way out before canceling the call, letting her music play once more as she shoved her phone into her back pocket. She picked up her makeshift breakfast and headed out the door, locking it behind her. Then she walked through the chain link fence gate and closed it, making her way to Kie's black car.

The door opened from the backseat, JJ having opened the door and hopping out to greet her, "Morning, Dosia." He said sweetly, making her cheeks warm as she made her way to him.

"Morning, Jay." She said to him, pausing for a moment to press her lips against his, his hand calloused hand lightly holding her waist as their mouths folded nicely. Then they part and climb into the backseat of the car together, sitting next to eachother with their backpacks between their legs on the floor as they buckle themselves up once the door is closed.

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