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CHAPTER EIGHT( watermelon breaking tricks )

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( watermelon breaking tricks )

The journey back to the Outer Banks from Charleston consisted of a couple things. Smiles, laughter, some light weed smoking since JJ happened to have one more joint on him left, and one huge story telling and catch up session. Thea and the Pogues had so many things to tell John B and Sarah, and in turn, the couple had many things to share with them as well.

Thea, Pope, JJ, and Kie all took turns as they talked about everything they had been through while John B and Sarah were running around in the Nassau. They told them about how Pope had the idea to spy on Gavin with his airpods in order to get him to spill his guts about what he saw on the tarmac, and Sarah confirmed that he was there and that she saw him there herself.

Then they talked about what happened that night at the surf shop, and how Ward Cameron had killed yet another person. Sarah seemed to fall silent when they spoke about this, her mind somewhere else. But Thea didn't blame her, it must be really hard to hear that the person that raised you is a trigger happy psychopath.

After getting that out of the way, the four of them began to talk about the happenings of the day after when they were looking for the gun. She and Kie talked about their experience in the storm drain together, John B was shocked to hear that he could've almost lost both of his childhood best friends because they both went down to get the gun that Rafe used to kill Sheriff Peterkin.

After quickly reassuring John B that they were both fine and that neither of them regret going down there to help him, they began to tell them about how they ended up in Charleston in the first place. Pope told them about how he got a letter from the Vanderhost Foundation— the same people who he talked to the past summer about his scholarship, and how the seal on the envelope was the symbol for wheat like the gold.

He explained that the letter was from a woman named Ms. Limbrey who wanted to speak to him about having material evidence to exonerate John B, but what actually wound up happening was that she was some crazy old woman with arm crutches who accused him of knowing about some key in his family. Then when he tried to leave, she sent her guard dog on him to stop and or kidnap him.

He summed up the rest by ending it and saying that's how they ended up running into them because the sketchy guy was chasing them.

John B and Sarah began to explain their time in Naussa, and how they nearly dodged death in the storm a month ago. Apparently the boat did turtle in the storm, but they were found by another boat that saw them floating in their life preservers as they clung onto the phantom that hadn't fully sunk into the ocean. The both of them had stayed as passengers on a boat that was owned by a man named Terrence, as well as his two business partners Cleo and Stubbs.

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