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CHAPTER THIRTEEN ( escape and rescue )

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( escape and rescue )

WHEN Thea and Pope arrive at the chateau, neither of them expected anyone to be home just yet. But when they arrived they found Kie's car parked out front, they park their bikes near the door, and they walk inside of the chateau. The two of them rush inside, excited to tell Kie about what they had found at the pharmacy together.

"Hey, Kie, what are you doing back?" Pope asked her.

Kie's caramel brown eyes widened slightly when they meet with Pope's, she was standing in the middle of the living room trying to finish buttoning up her shirt.

Oh, this was awkward.

"Oh." Pope murmured, averting his eyes as he looked at the floor. Kie quickly turns around, "Sorry. What happened?"

"My mom snapped, and I got booted." Kie replies, she sits down on the couch as she finished buttoning up the rest of her shirt.

"Wait, what?" Pope questions in sheer disbelief.

Thea's eyes widened in shock, "Holy shit." She walks over to the couch and sits next to her, "Anna actually kicked you out?"

Kie shrugged, "It's not a big deal. I'm just gonna stay here a couple days. Hang out with my friends." Pope walks over to them as Thea wrapped her arm around her, Kie easily leans into her embrace. "We have stuff to figure out."

"You know, if you need a place to stay, you can always come to stay with me." Pope offered.

"Um..." Kie cleared her throat awkwardly, "Yeah, uh... How did things go with you guys?"

"Um..." Pope sits down in the chair across from them. "Well... Pops was upset."

"Upset? After you left his truck in Charleston? What for you?" Kie asked him, her tone laced with heavy dose of sarcasm.

Thea snorted, "You know, I can't put my finger on it either." She cast Pope a playful look, "Why would Heyward be upset?"

"Uh, you know, I'm actually trying to figure out that myself. I can't really see any reason that would make him upset." Pope says, playing along as he chuckles softly. "But, um," He shakes his head, getting back on track.

"We did ask him about the key and he said his grandmother had something like that." He explained to Kie, "So, we go over to great-grandma's place, and, uh..." He digs into his pocket and pulls out the box before he gets up and sits on Kie's other side on the couch. "We found..." He opens up the box, and holds up the chain with the key on it. "This."

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