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CHAPTER NINETEEN ( murder of big john )

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( murder of big john )

After the failed search for John B, and Pope and Kie's and almost Kie and Thea's argument, JJ and Thea had dropped the both them off at their docks. They headed back to her house, because she refused to let JJ go back home after what his father had done to him the other day. So after they stopped at his place so he could sneak in and grab some clothes, they journeyed towards the dock near her home.

When they got to her one story peach painted house, she snuck him through her bedroom window right above her bed. The both of them changed into some comfy clothes, Thea in a muscle tee with dolphin shorts underneath, and JJ in a muscle tank himself and some shorts as well. Since they were both equally as exhausted from looking for John B all day and night, they brushed their teeth, JJ using a spare toothbrush she always kept for him.

When they got back to her room and she locked her door, they both sunk underneath her blankets in her bed. She fell asleep to the sound of JJ's steady heartbeat in her ear as her head rested on his chest, and his strong arms holding her tight as they both slept soundly.

The next morning rolled around the both of them were laying in her bed, JJ's fingers brushing down her arm delicately, her head laid on his shoulder as her arm was wrapped around his middle. Her mind was on a major trip at the moment, she was just so worried about John B. He was so distressed and manic the other day, so filled with rage.

Obviously, she knew he would never do anything terrible, but that didn't mean she wasn't worried about his mental stability. I mean, how do you ever deal with that? Finding out who your parent's killer is after months of thinking he was just lost at sea, when everyone had been telling you he was dead? She couldn't even imagine how John B must be feeling right now.

"Hey," She feels JJ's lips press against her head. "You're really quiet."

Thea chuckles softly, "I'm always quiet."

"Mm-mm, not like this." JJ says, shaking his head. "You're thinking." He starts to move her so she's facing him instead of laying back against him, he holds her hands, lacing their fingers. "What's going on in that pretty little head?"

The compliment makes her smile a little bit, but then it fades just as fast. "It's just John B. I just hope he's okay."

"Yeah, me too." JJ nods, "He was really losing it yesterday. But I don't blame him. Finding out that Ward killed his dad? That's... that's some real heavy shit."

"Yeah, and it's not like he can do anything about it. I mean, who in the Outer Banks is gonna actually believe him? They'll just add it to the list of reasons why he needs to be sent away. Because you know this means right? Ward is not gonna be his guardian anymore." Her frown deepens as her eyes widen in realization, "John B is gonna be taken. For real this time, Jay."

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