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CHAPTER TWENTY TWO ( mister plan-o-matic )

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( mister plan-o-matic )

After arriving at the Ferry, Kie parked the car and Pope hopped out to go and check to see if the Ferry was still allowing transportation off of the island. She was sitting in the backseat with JJ and John B, her lower lip being gnawed on anxiously as her green eyes flickered around watching the people wandering about the location. Her nerves were wracked, there were so many people where they were, all someone had to do was look a little too closely at the van and they would see that John B was hiding in the back.

After holding her breath for alot longer than she necessarily needed to, Pope made his way back to the car, he seemed to be on edge too, murmuring to himself as he walked back over to them. Thea frowned as she sat up in her seat, trying to hear just what he was saying.

"Okay, all right. No." He fretted, holding a flyer in his hands.

"Pope, can you act normal, please?" Kie suggested in frustration.

"So, um... okay, so, bad news." Pope began, "The ferry's closed, and there is this." He hands the flyer to Kie.

"Shit." Kie says, her face instantly pales as she hands the paper back to Thea who reaches for it, while John B and JJ ask what it is.

"Fuck." Thea hissed in distress when she sees the information on the paper in her hands. "It's a godamn bounty."

John B is so fucking screwed.

JJ looks at the sheet in her hands and plucks it from her, "Well, John B, uh... this is a good framer of you." He shows the chestnut haired boy the flyer and there's a flicker of panic in his eyes, but mostly irritation and exhaustion as he turns his face.

"Okay, so the whole island's lookin' for John B right now." Pope stated.

"25,000 fucking dollars." Thea groaned, digging the heels of her palms into her eyes.

"That's alot of money." Kie puts forth.

"Congratulations, John B." JJ announces, "You're now famous." John B takes the flyer from him, having a look at it himself.

"Guys, we got to get to the HMS." Kie tells them, making a plan on the fly. "We need small, no running lights—"

"It's at the chateau, Kie." John B replied dryly.

"And I wonder if the cops got the entire place staked out. Let me think." JJ pauses for dramatic affect, Kie rolls her eyes and turns forward with a huff. "Oh, yeah. No. They definitely have that place locked down."

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