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◤CHAPTER FIFTEEN◥"Operation: Full Kook

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"Operation: Full Kook."

THEA had an unbelievable night. After she and JJ had finished their night surfing, and their heartfelt chat where mutual feelings were exposed, he didn't feel like going home. Which she was happy about, because after what he told her about his father, the last thing she wanted him to do was go back there.

And so, she snuck the boy into her room.

After she stopped at her mother's bedroom to say goodnight, she locked her bedroom door and flopped onto her bed where JJ was laying back against her pillows. The two of them had never shared a bed before, maybe they've taken a few naps at John B's together, but this... this was different.

Feelings were shared, emotions were revealed, and things were different between them.

Of course there was an unwritten line, the rule that neither of them wanted to think or talk about that night. So instead, she placed her head onto the blonde boy's chest, and he curled his arm around her frame, holding her close. And within just a few minutes she was dozing off, sleeping peacefully to the sound of JJ's steady heartbeat.

They both slept until the alarm on her watch went off, she awoke first and helped him out of her window. He told her he would take her to work that morning, then he would return John B's van back to the château and hang out there for a bit. She waved goodbye to the blonde boy in her window, then he climbed down her tree and was rushing off down the street where he parked the van.

Just seconds after she closed her window and locked it, she heard a knock on her door. "Morning, love. I want you to see something. Mike gave me this idea on how to make food and let me borrow a grill."

Thea's brows furrowed as she walked to the door, then she unlocked it and opened it up. "A grill? When did you bring a grill here?"

"Last night, you were out so you didn't see him help me bring it into the backyard." Melanie replied, "Come on, come taste this. I think it'll be a good way to make food without electricity." Her mom continued as she followed her down the hallway, "God knows how long this outage will last."

Thea yawned as she followed her mom through the kitchen, "Yeah, I hear you on that one." She walked out of the back door to the backyard and she was hit with the scent of food cooking on the nice grill that they now had outside. "Wow." Her jaw dropped, eyes widened in awe. "This is... amazing!" She released a chuckle of disbelief, as she cups her hands over her mouth in shock. "The Carrera's are godsends!"

"I know right!" Melanie exclaimed, "I mean, look at these pancakes! We can have breakfast, lunch and dinner now!"

Thea grinned before she tossed herself at her mom, hugging her tight. "I have never missed your cooking so much, mama."

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