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CHAPTER ELEVEN( the system is broken )

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( the system is broken )

RUMORS spreads quickly in a small town like OBX, the news channel and radio stations were buzzing about how the delinquent Pogue teenager was arrested for the murder of Susan Peterkin, John Booker Routledge behind bars at last. Everywhere Thea went she heard people slandering her best friend's name, saying that "it was about time" and that "he deserves what's coming to him".

It felt like the beginning of the year all over again, she was constantly filled with a blind rage that got out of control at the worst of times. There was one week until his hearing at the court, and in that one week she had gotten herself suspended again.

One of her classmates Tara Dawson bad mouthed John B right infront of her at lunch when she sitting with the Pogues. None of them could have possibly known what she was gonna do next, and before either of them could figure out her motive, the brunette's face had already become very acquainted with Thea's fist.

Tara was curled on the cafeteria floor with a crimson dripping nose, and before any of it continued, and a fight broke out, she had to be pulled back by JJ, Kie and Pope. Then right in the nick of time, her name was being yelled and she was escorted to the principal's office by the security guard of the school, Mr. Barnes.

A burly, strong armed, mocha skinned guard with tattoos that were barely covered by his sleeves.

After being scolded by the principal for her impulsive and inappropriate behavior, and her sitting in the chair with her arms folded over her chest as she slouched and refused to say a word, her mother had come to the school and picked her up after her punishment was given. Another week of suspension.

On the way home her mother didn't say anything to her, she just caressed her shoulder from time to time as she drove them to their home. But when they arrived, as soon as they got into the house, Thea expected to be yelled at, but instead, she got a hug.

Her mother held her tight and comfortably, and a warmth filled the girl's chest as she wrapped her arms around her. Her mother told her that she understood why she had gotten herself in trouble again, that she knew that losing John B a week ago had really gotten to her, as well as the public's words about the boy who was behind bars for a crime that he didn't even commit.

She promised that she would spend every moment with her that she could, because she wanted to be there for her through all of it, and also because she really hadn't seen her much lately and she missed her. So, that's what they did. Everyday of the week of her suspension, Thea and her mother we're together.

Whether it was cooking breakfast, lunch and dinner together, taking a couple shifts at The Wreck on a shared schedule, watching movies at the late hours of the night and sharing a bowl of popcorn, or Thea giving her mother painting lessons.

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