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⇢ ˗ˏˋ CHAPTER NINE ࿐ྂ"Hit 'Em Where It Hurts

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"Hit 'Em Where It Hurts."

THEA was hanging out on the dock at John B's place the next day after her shift that morning, she along with JJ and Pope were watching Kie and John B under water on the drone monitor. She rolled her eyes at John B who was scrubbing his teeth with his finger on the camera, then she chuckled at Kie who made a funny face at the camera before swimming away.

"God bless, geeks, Pope. Truly, man." The tousled blonde said to the boy controlling the monitor of the drone.

Thea throws her arm over Pope's shoulder, "You really are a genius, Heyward."

"Thanks, Thea." Pope replied.

"What would we do without you to control the drones?" JJ said, leaning his arms on the railing of the dock.

"Technically, it's not a drone." Pope corrected him, "It's an ROV."

"Shut up. Shut up." JJ responded, not caring for his smart speak. "It's too early for that right now."

"Dude." Thea raised her brows at the blonde beside her, "It's 1pm."

"Still too early." JJ mumbled, replying to her.

"Hey, look, once we get footage of the wreck, we'll bring it to a lawyer in town and file a formal claim." John B said as he floated in the water along with Kie.

"It's such bullshit, why should we have to do that?" JJ questioned.

"Well, there's a maritime salvage law." Pope explained as he stood from his seat, joining she and JJ at the railing. "You can't just go to the ocean floor and scoop a bunch of stuff up."

"I know. I know." JJ said, "It's just lawyers aren't cheap, bro."

"Yeah." Thea purses her lips, "Blondie's got a point."

JJ furrows his brows, "Blondie?"

"Well, soon as they see the footage,  they'll work for a comp." John B assured them.

Kie shakes her head in disbelief, "How do you know all of this?"

"Cause my dad said it, like, a million times." John B replied.

"Yeah, that's fair." Kie muttered, swimming towards the ladder on the dock.

"The tether is like really long." Pope observed, "In the wrong weather, this thing could get pushed around."

"Then we'll go at dead calm." John B stated, and just when the words fall from his lips they all catch the sound of thunder rumbling overhead, Thea then notices the clouds getting darker by the minute.

"At slack tide?" Kie asked, still hanging on the ladder.

"We just have to wait for the right weather." Pope says as he places his arms over the railing and looks up at the sky.

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