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CHAPTER TWENTY ONE( rule breakers )

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( rule breakers )

After they all sat down on the bench in the junkyard location, John B told them everything. Kie had tears in her eyes, her hand cupping her mouth, Thea's jaw was hung open as she held her head in her hands, JJ was pacing with his hat in his hand, one hand running through his hair frantically, and Pope was just there, with half lidded eyes as the contents of the jul muffled his mind. From what she got from everything that John B had divulged, it seemed that murder ran in the Cameron family blood. First Big John, and now? Sheriff Peterkin.

Shot by Rafe Cameron, the same psychopath that choked her at Midsummers, leaving a faded ring bruise around her neck. He shot a fucking cop to keep his father from getting arrested for Big John's murder, she had truly heard it all.

Since they weren't far from Kie's place they all headed there as the sun began to set, the moon pulsing and making itself known as the skies darkened and night came. The plan was for John B to go to the police and tell them everything that happened on the tarmac. There wasn't much else that they could do, he had to go and tell someone what he knew, what he saw out there.

When they pulled up, Kie eased up on the gas of her parent's van and came to a stop at the doors of the Kildare County police department neaby her home. Pope begins to cough like crazy, having taken so many puffs of the jul that it was messing with his lungs.

"Ooh, easy there, chief. Damn." JJ says as he coughs some more.

"Okay." Thea sighs heavily, reaching over and plucking the jul from his fingers as he keeps coughing and hacking. "You're cut off, no more."


"Nope." She cuts into his words, standing her ground as Pope frowns at her. She tossed it back to JJ, "Don't give him anymore."

"Sorry, man." JJ pats Pope's chest as he falls silent, looking off out the window. "Shortcake says you're cut off, can't give you anymore."

"Oh, now you listen?" Kie scoffed, glancing back to them, "I've been telling JJ to take it back for the longest."

Thea rolls her eyes, tired of Kie's smartass remarks as she leans back in the seat next to JJ. He leans forward between the seats to John B, "All right. I'm just gonna be real with you right now. You might end up in the lion's den, but you don't go there on purpose. It's fundamental. Just like my old man always told me," Thea's nose wrinkles at the mention of his father, "You should never ever trust cops, no matter what the circumstance is."

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