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CHAPTER TWENTY ( getaway plane )

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( getaway plane )

The Pogues all run towards John B's place, the Twinkie waiting there for them to climb into as they jump head first back into their adventure. They all clamber inside the vehicle, with giddiness and determination in their hearts, and a plan on their mind. John B hops into the front seat, starting up the van, and pulling off and leaving the chateau behind him as he joins the narrow lanes of the Outer Banks road.

"We go in there, guns a-blazin', make Ward Cameron beg for mercy, abscond with as much gold as possible and vámonos, get the hell of there." JJ says, filling the gun's magazine with ammo.

Funny how this is the first time that Thea actually approves of the gun that JJ has being used, Ward Cameron went too far, they were the ones that worked hard, they found it, that gold was rightfully theirs, and even more so, it was John B's.

"We send that shit right down the Intracoastal." John B said.

"Wait for the weather." Kie spoke up.

"Exit to Cuba." Pope responded, nodding along.

Thea's brows raise, "Cuba?"

"No, man, Xcalak, Jewel of the Yucatan." JJ tells him, getting an eyeroll from the umber toned boy. "Lobsters so thick, mangoes and no," He cocks the gun, "Word for money."

Thea grins at him, "I can get behind thick lobsters and mangoes." JJ sends her a look, the one where his eyes sparkle, as if she's his very own personal kind of treasure. As if she were the gold herself. It makes her heart flutter in her chest, and her cheeks warm, painting themselves a soft red as the two meet eyes.

"Let's do this shit." John B declared, his tone filled with determination as he presses his foot on the gas, the van soaring down the roads of the woodsy location of the Cut.

After a bit of a drive, they make it  into enemy lines of Figure Eight, arriving at the airstrip. The gang all climbed out of the Twinkie and ran over to the gated fence that was set up around the perimeter of the area.

"What's the plan?" Kie asked of John B, "Broad strokes?"

"I don't think we got that far." John B replied, curling his fingers on the twisted metal of the gate.

Pope pulls out his trusty binoculars, using them to see what's going on. "They're loading up the gold."

John B takes the binoculars from him, having a look himself. Thea then hears a car honk as it pulls up, "That's Ward." The chestnut haired boy whispers, as he looks through the handy field glasses.

He falls silent for just a few moments, leaving Thea and the others wondering what he could see, since it was all just a blur of moving bodies and a huge plane on a runway for them. Then in his hands they slowly drop, his lips parting open in an o-shape. Thea glances over at him, a frown tugs at her lips as she noticed the look of disbelief and hints of fear residing in his hazel eyes.

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