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CHAPTER SIXTEEN( trouble in paradise )

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( trouble in paradise )

       THE news of Ward Cameron and the Druthers imploding traveled fast, by the next day everyone in OBX were aware that Ward had blown himself up after admitting to doing all of the crimes himself. Thea hated him, but she had to respect him for the way went out, taking the blame for everything so his son wouldn't go down. It was a move that only a desperate father who truly loved his family would make.

However, the last ditch effort was still bullshit, Rafe was just as much to blame for all of this as Ward was. He belonged behind bars, for Peterkin's sake.

She deserves justice, too.

"Are you joking?" Kie glanced at JJ, sitting next to him with at the chateau's dock. "Of course he deserved it."

"Never seen anyone blow themselves up like that." Pope mutters, leant back against the dock's railing.

"Yeah." Thea utters, leant over the rail on JJ's left side. "That's definitely gonna haunt my nightmares."

"Cross that one off the bucket list." JJ jokes, dark humoredly.

"JJ!" Kie scolded him.

Thea scowled as she nudged him in the side. "Ow!" He grunts in pain, "I take it back. It sucks for Sarah."

Kie walks down the dock to John B, he's laid on his stomach on the PMS Pogue, his head propped on his arms. She drops down and sits on bow beside him, her legs dangling over the water as she rubs John's back. "You okay?" She asked him.

"It's not me I'm worried about." John B answered, worriedly.

Just minutes after they all witnessed the explosive and jaw-droppingly shocking death of Ward Cameron, Shoupe and the Kildare deputies were in a frenzy as they radioed and called for the help from the fire brigade at once. As for John B, even if he tried he couldn't get a word in edge wise to Sarah before Topper helped her off the ground and whisked her down the docks and away from the fiery remains of the Druthers.

The Pogues made their leave from the Cameron residence, piling into the back of the Twinkie as John B drove them back to chateau. Nobody said a word the entire drive, the only sound being firetruck sirens as they sped towards the dock, and the van's engine roaring as the Volkswagen trudged along the road, departing Figure Eight and heading back into the Cut territory.

Thea didn't go home that night, frankly she was too in shock to do much of anything. The same could be said for the others who were all camped out in John B's bedroom, all of them sharing and passing around a blunt that JJ lit. Pope being the only one who refused it, while the others got high in silence as the sun went down and night fell.

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