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CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE( pope's epinephrine high )

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( pope's epinephrine high )

      TURNS out, the place that JJ said he knew where to go is his cousin's house. The very same cousin who he stole the EMT from that night when he had his big plan to break John B out of jail. At this point they were desperate and if he had an EpiPen or some way to help Pope, she really didn't care as long as her best friend would be okay.

They pulled up to his cousin Ricky's place, and Thea and Kie helped move Pope from the back of the car to the front door of his cousin's house. "You're gonna be okay, he's gonna help you." Thea tried her best to assure Pope, "You're gonna be fine."

"You good?" Kie asked him, although the answer was clear.

"Ricky! Hey! Bro!" JJ screamed, banging on his cousin's front door. "Ricky! Rick! Ricky!" He yelled desperately, trying to get his cousin's attention. "Rick, hey, I got a problem, bro! I know you're mad at me!"

"Remember that time you stole my ambulance!" Ricky shouts at him.

"Yeah, I know! I know you're mad at me- No!" JJ screamed as Ricky shut his door, "Don't do that!"

"No! Please!" Sarah begged, "Please, we need help!"

"We're desperate! Please!" Thea begs, her eyes welling up with tears again as she and Kie bring Pope over to the door "He needs help! Please!"

"He got stung by a wasp!" Sarah cried out, tears brimming in her chocolate brown eyes. "He's having a reaction! Please help!"

JJ rushed over to his cousin's window, banging on it. "Hey! Yeah, he-- he can't breathe, Ricky!"

"Ricky!" John B shouts.

"He's right here, please!" Sarah begs.

"Who can't breathe?" Ricky asked, opening his door. His eyes widen with alarm when he sees Pope in their arms, pretty much barely conscious in their arms as he wheezes weakly.

"Look at him!" John B tells him, "Help my friend!"

"Please!" Thea implored.

"All right." Ricky gives in, opening his door and allowing them all to pile inside of his place.

"Hey! Nice to meet you. Sorry." Sarah says, rushing past him and pushing things off of the first open table space she sees. They all quickly get Pope to the open space, and they lay him on his back on the table.

"You know, I wouldn't come to you if it wasn't an emergency." JJ pleads to Ricky, joining at his side as he looked down at Pope. "Hang in there, buddy."

"What's wrong with him?" Ricky asked.

"Wasps!" Sarah quickly said.

"Wasps?" Ricky questioned.

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